Smart Economic Planning and New Turkey

A major theme that will occupy our agendas on the road to the construction of the new Turkey will be the importance of effective R&D and science-industry policies designed to overcome the "middle income trap."

Smart Economic Planning and New Turkey
Public Trials Dejavu For China

Public Trials: Dejavu For China

The public trials have been mostly practices that we learned about from the documentaries on China's history.


As we are at the first anniversary of the "Gezi Park" incidents that truly shocked the whole nation, it seems imperative to take stock of the critical 12 months that have elapsed since then from an economic perspective.

Japanese foreign policy, which launched proactive diplomacy in recent years, especially with Prime Minister Abe's foreign trips to different countries, has been trying to form a new doctrine in its approach to foreign relations.

In fact, 30 years of time travel demonstrated the unprecedented revival of Japan in terms of economy and technology.

The significance of domestic problems, and emerging strategic competition between India and China may reduce the risk of escalation with Pakistan for a while.

Ethnic Tensions in China and Geopolitics of the Uyghur Question

The recent events that took place in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are attracting further attention to the Uyghur question and ethnic conflict in the region.

Ethnic Tensions in China and Geopolitics of the Uyghur Question
The Longest Year 2014

The Longest Year: 2014

Ever since the general elections of June 12, 2011, even without knowing how exactly events would unfold, it was not difficult to see that 2014 stood to become a very difficult political long year.


The geopolitical complexities of the Arab awakening are impacted by developments in Syria and Turkey's relations with Iran and Gulf countries.

The Ak Party which integrated a discourse of civilization with Erdoğan's leadership, has the courage to confront all fears of the history of Turkish modernization.

The statement that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made last week can be a first step in such a transformation in the conflict between two nations over the 1915 events.

U.S. President Barack Obama headed to Asia for multi-country tour that will include Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia.

During the course of the demonstrations in Kiev, the Central Asian regimes once again tried to avoid possible fallout from these demonstrations by censoring the news about the events.

In addition to sounding very familiar within the emerging norm of R2P (Responsibility to Protect), this feeling of responsibility also constitutes a significant but ignored pillar of great power legitimacy in international relations.

The crisis in Ukraine is yet another serious test of U.S. leadership in terms of its international alliances, guarantees and assurances.

Turkey successful combination of fiscal discipline and welfare policies yielded desired results. The next step forward requires more R&D spending

Turkey's strategic journey towards a more developed, democratic and prosperous future will continue regardless of conjunctive challenges.

Turkey, a country so critical in shaping the international system, should play a more effective role in international organizations.

Developments such as the destruction of the weapons of mass destruction and softening relations between Iran and the international system may generate a different motivation in the upcoming negotiations.

An agreement that included almost all of the terms in the recent deal had been signed among Turkey, Brazil and Iran in 2010.

The disagreement between Turkey and the US on the Syrian issue and the coup d’état in Egypt are contributing factors to increased criticism of Turkey in Washington.