Middle Eastern front of the renewed cold war

The ongoing turmoil in the Middle East, particularly the escalation of the Syrian war, can be seen as an indication of the restart of a cold war

Middle Eastern front of the renewed cold war
Erdoğan's visit to Africa and Turkey's new identity

Erdoğan's visit to Africa and Turkey's new identity

Rather than a single diplomatic policy, Turkey's Africa initiative is a step toward forging a new identity that can struggle against colonial powers


Munich Security Conferences (MSC) are important annual international events that bring world leaders, decisions makers, academics, business people, bureaucrats and young professionals together to discuss the security challenges the world is facing. MSC is considered one of the most important forums for global security policy.

Similar to the confusion prevalent among the U.S.'s traditional allies, Ankara is also experiencing some problems concerning the decision-making processes in U.S. politics.

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey and the region, in its first issue for 2018 brings to its readers valuable articles that focus mainly on China’s foreign policy. “Persistent Rise of China: Global Challenges and Regional Dynamics” assesses China’s growing influence in international and regional politics and experts in this field provide different perspectives regarding China’s global challenges and the regional dynamics.

While hegemonic transitions tend to occur over long periods, it seems that the friction between neo-protectionism in strategic sectors and the push for all out liberalization will determine the fundamental axis of the ongoing rivalry between China and the U.S.

Operation Olive Branch forces US to readjust position

Astriking headline, "America Alone," on the cover of the latest issue of Time illuminated the sad state of U.S. foreign policy in the international system.

Operation Olive Branch forces US to readjust position
Who harms NATO Turkey or the US

Who harms NATO? Turkey or the US?

Claiming Turkey's Afrin operation harms the U.S. or NATO serve the interests only of countries like Russia and China


As the captains of global capitalism gather in the serene surroundings of Davos, they have a mammoth task to figure out how to maintain liberalism's international relevance in a world fractured by hegemonic conflicts and extreme ideologies

Turkey's plan to build a wall on the Syrian border ruins the YPG's plans, and that is why it is trying to do its best to prevent the construction of the wall by killing workers

The end of the Cold War made these realities a little more complicated.

Trump could not get what he wanted from the Iranian protests and took another wrong step in the Middle East

The same methods that were used during the Gezi Park protests in Turkey are now being applied in Iran

Regional powers and U.S. allies, nowadays, try to figure out what the nature of this trend is and what it will lead to. Although it is dubbed "pragmatic realism" by actors of this new foreign policy, it raises concern about a new form of isolationism and a more aggressive form of unilateralism. The belated expression of commitment to the collective security clause of NATO has become part of this concern.

Clearly, the Trump administration's threats were intended to prevent the U.N. General Assembly from voting overwhelmingly to support a resolution sponsored by Turkey and others.

There are several things worth mentioning about the Nation Security Strategy (NSS) in a short column.

The U.S.'s approach to the crises in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Yemen and Palestine since 2010 has been about its experience of the hegemonic crisis.

Due to its unilateral and irresponsible foreign policy and conflicting political discourse, Trump's America instigated the rise of anti-Americanism even in friendly countries

The EU, France, the U.K., Germany, Russia and China all declared that the American administration had taken a wrong and provocative step that could damage peace efforts and trigger widespread violence.

Donald Trump's Jerusalem move made the situation in the Middle East even worse. Without east Jerusalem, there can be no two-state solution.