Turkey and Shanghai Cooperation Organization

In line with its multidimensional foreign policy line in recent years, Ankara adopted an attitude of proactive engagement with major regional institutional organizations such as the Arab League, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the African Union.

Turkey and Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Changing Nature of Development Aid from Past to Future

Changing Nature of Development Aid from Past to Future

Sadık Ünay, the Economy Director of SETA, had a speech about the experience of Turkey on foreign aid and development cooperation issue at the Conference of Changing Nature of Development Aid.


The timing of the critical visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Tehran this week corresponded with a very sensitive regional and international conjuncture.

The fact that Turkey will take over the presidency of the G-20 from Australia on Dec. 1, 2014 is a critical development in terms of Turkey's ongoing efforts to establish itself as a major emerging power with a strong voice on global issues.

The significance of domestic problems, and emerging strategic competition between India and China may reduce the risk of escalation with Pakistan for a while.

The recent events that took place in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are attracting further attention to the Uyghur question and ethnic conflict in the region.

Turkish Foreign Policy During the Arab Awakening

Turkey viewed the Arab awakenings as a positive development for both the region and for itself.

Turkish Foreign Policy During the Arab Awakening
Taming the quot New Turkey quot

Taming the "New Turkey"

The discourse of "new Turkey" has repeatedly appeared during historical turning points of the Turkish Republic. It is used for the sake of different interests by local and foreign circles.


During the course of the demonstrations in Kiev, the Central Asian regimes once again tried to avoid possible fallout from these demonstrations by censoring the news about the events.

China is ruled by a regime blinded by rich anger and has determined to adopt unpeaceful regional plans and strategies behind the efforts to assimilate diversities and eliminate opponents in East Turkestan.

The reshuffling of Turkey's domestic and foreign policy over the last decade has finally led to a solution for Kurds.

The increasing timidity of Western democracies to pursue the principle of responsibility to protect at an international level is leaving the Chinese government with the freedom to oppress .

Trade relations between Turkey and Russia indicate that divergence between these two countries regarding the resolution of the Syrian crisis has not deeply influenced the relations between the two.

Turkey is enthusiastic to playing a driving and constructive role in transportation of the Caspian, Middle Eastern and Central Asian hydrocarbon resources to Europe and World Markets.

SETA PANEL  Chair:     Talip Küçükcan     SETA Participants:     Dr. Bashir Ansari     Afghan intellectual and writer     Prof. M. Nazif Shahrani     Chair, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures & Central Asian and Middle Eastern Studies,     Indiana University, United States Date: August 13, 2009 Time: 11.00 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara  

President Obama's trip to Turkey April 6-7 is undoubtedly significant. The visit follows Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip abroad last month, which included two separate bilateral stops, Israel and Turkey.

The recent Russia-Georgia conflict was long in the making. The reason was not the problems between Moscow and Tbilisi, but the new round of a cold war between Russia and the Western bloc.

SETA CONFERENCE By  Kim Beng Phar  Visiting Fellow, Waseda University, Organization of Asian Studies Date: August 27, 2007 Monday Time: 17.00 - 19.00 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara