Self-serving, anti-Turkey groups making policy in Washington

Washington is aware of the fact that threatening the rule of law and sovereignty of Turkey will not be accepted from Ankara and such a move will be counterproductive for the release of pastor Brunson

Self-serving anti-Turkey groups making policy in Washington
Sanction threats to harm progress in US-Turkey ties'

'Sanction threats to harm progress in US-Turkey ties'

US threats to impose sanctions 'counterproductive and could erase any progress' in two countries' relations, say experts


The Iraqi government must behave responsibly and take non-violent measures to overcome its ongoing problems; otherwise, the current protests may lead to political turmoil soon

The Helsinki summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin did not yield any tangible outcomes, but can be described as a good start to discussing several bilateral and regional problems

Without any doubt, Donald Trump will be one of the most debated presidents of the United States. While it would be very difficult to speak about a specific Trump doctrine or legacy, Trump's years in office will be associated with volatility and isolation.

The outcome of NATO's Brussels summit will demonstrate whether the U.S.-led bloc, recently shaken by Washington's controversial policies, will secure its effectiveness in the international community

US-China trade war: A big bluff or not?

The trade war between the U.S. and China will not remain confined to the two, but could have huge impacts on many other actors in the global system

US-China trade war A big bluff or not
For Turkey and US a good start in Manbij

For Turkey and US, a good start in Manbij

Turkey and the United States started implementing the Manbij road map, a framework created by Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on June 4. On June 12-13, senior military officials from both countries held talks in Stuttgart, Germany, and worked out the details, including the establishment of monitoring posts and patrol routes in Manbij.


U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Leader Kim Jong Un's historic summit on Sentosa Island, Singapore ended with the signing of a document and joint statement from the two leaders. The two agreed to work on complete denuclearization and joining their efforts to build lasting and stable peace on the Korean Peninsula.

One of the most discussed issues in Washington, D.C. nowadays is the Iran strategy of the Trump administration.

The outcome of the G-7 Quebec summit signals that the trade war between the U.S. and EU will continue for a while

Following meetings between top diplomats from Turkey and the U.S. in Washington last week, there is cautious optimism for a "road map" for the future of Manbij and U.S.-Turkish relations.

The recent agreement over Manbij between Turkey and the U.S. is a hopeful development; yet other important issues regarding Ankara's security concerns and peace in Syria still remain

What were the United States’ aim and strategy? In what direction is the U.S. strategy transforming? Is a compromise of both achievable if Turkey’s aim and strategy is taken?

The oppositions' presidential candidates, i.e. Muharrem Ince, Temel Karamollaoğlu and Meral Akşener, are calling for the release of Selahattin Demirtaş, who is supported by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), from prison.

Transatlantic relations between the U.S. and European Union have turned into one of the most significant crises in history...

Regardless of what coalition forms in Iraq, the new government will face the problem of ensuring political stability, government control over non-government groups and encouraging normalization among different ethnic and sectarian elements

The Trump administration's new Iran strategy, as highlighted by Pompeo in his first public speech, will negatively affect the lives of ordinary Iranians rather than the ruling elites

In the last two weeks, two moves of U.S. foreign policymakers have demonstrated the basic problems of their strategy, potentially challenging Washington's own interests and international relations.

The U.S. government's decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem is a turning point in history and will fuel instability and violence in the Middle East