Turkey and the Wave of Instability

It does not make sense for the U.S. and the EU to problematize their relations with Turkey on an ideological basis; instead, they need a new perspective that focuses on rational interests and long-term stability in the region

Turkey and the Wave of Instability
Merkel's Concerns Europe's 'Destiny'

Merkel's Concerns, Europe's 'Destiny'

Although Brexit had raised questions about the European Union's future, the election of the pro-European Emmanuel Macron in France signals that Paris and Berlin will continue to lead the continent.


Under the circumstances, it was no surprise that the NATO summit was not a complete disaster and instead an opportunity for the U.S. and the European Union to start talking about key issues.

The "yes" result in the referendum disappointed campaigners for "no" in the West more than the "no" front in Turkey. They clearly took up a position politically and failed.

It would be very wrong to compare the April vote with previous constitutional reforms, which were forcefully created by the representatives of the coup tradition

The structural change in the post-April 16 era is truly critical for Turkey's ascendance into the global pecking order and is valuable enough not to be sacrificed to any blackmail attempt

Rising Intolerance and the Future of European Politics

Many European analysts have argued that 2017 could be a critical juncture for Europe due to important elections in certain European countries, especially after the Brexit referendum. A major part of this juncture will have something to do with the reaction of mainstream European parties and politicians to this intolerant discourse

Rising Intolerance and the Future of European Politics
Europe Heads into the Abyss of Its Fears

Europe Heads into the Abyss of Its Fears

The old continent is rapidly losing its promise to preserve human dignity, fundamental rights and liberties in the deep abyss of its exaggerated fears


This is the second edition of the annual European Islamophobia Report (EIR) which was presented for the first time in 2015.

The Europeans are destroying the possibility of cooperating with Turkey to pursue mutual, rational interests as they retain their anti-Erdoğan sentiments

The U.K.'s Brexit episode set a useful precedent for Turkey's future mode of engagement with Europe

The mistreatment of Kaya and peaceful Turkish protesters by the Dutch police cannot be reduced to a pragmatic polarization between the two countries.

European countries' open support to the ‘no' campaign in the Turkish referendum will have an adverse effect on the camp opposing the constitutional reform

As the sociopolitical atmosphere gradually shifted towards the confines of the far right and the isolationism in Europe, serious questions about the future of the European project began to be raised

While the whole world braces itself for potential surprises to be displayed by the Trump administration, U.S.-China relations will be especially critical from both a global geopolitics and political economy perspective

When considering the Russian state as European and Western, the world may face a renewed global confrontation between different Western/European power blocs

Although Ankara and London followed different paths, they have a lot in common today. And Turkey's pursuit of EU membership is closely related to London's way out.

The future seems almost dark for Western values which are under attack by the revival of racism, populism, Islamphobia and xenephobia in societies

Last week, Tokyo's hosting a convention to discuss the Islamophobia danger is a promising development for a better world

The reason for the current situation between Turkey and the EU is not the personal approaches of Erdoğan or European politicians. It has more structural reasons

The Brexit’s aftereffects on the Turkish economy will hinge mostly upon the Brexit formula to be devised. The new structure of UK-EU trade could include Turkey as an associated party or, alternatively, pave the way for a new bilateral agreement with the UK.