Hate Speech In the Netherlands

Infographic of the Mark Rutte and Geert Wilders' hate speech

Hate Speech In the Netherlands
The Specter of Turkey and the Future of Europe

The Specter of Turkey and the Future of Europe

The mistreatment of Kaya and peaceful Turkish protesters by the Dutch police cannot be reduced to a pragmatic polarization between the two countries.


Opposition to Turkey's membership in the EU and opposition to Syrian refugees have become the dominant issues for some political parties.

When considering the Russian state as European and Western, the world may face a renewed global confrontation between different Western/European power blocs

The future seems almost dark for Western values which are under attack by the revival of racism, populism, Islamphobia and xenephobia in societies

In the long term, the most important and effective mechanisms to stop this form of violence will be through understanding the roots of recruitment for terrorist organizations

The West's Political Union Is Disbanding

The developments we are witnessing today posits that it is especially for the West that history is beginning again. The West's conventional order is disintegrating; it's political union is disbanding.

The West's Political Union Is Disbanding
Did UK end EU

Did UK end EU?

European leaders will either choose isolationism based on Turkey fears or re-invent Europe as a multi-cultural home. Unfortunately, the first scenario seems much more likely


Cameron's bold political gamble has backfired terribly with a 52 percent 'leave' vote, which will probably cost him his political career

The scandal was not just a failure of European intelligence services either, as it relates to a broader lack of coherent counterterrorism policy across the continent, which needs to be addressed by taking European-wide security cooperation to the next level.

European double standards that discriminate between terrorist organizations and provide safe homes to some so long as they do not conduct violent activities in Europe should change immediately

A massacre took place 20 years ago in and around Srebrenica in front of the whole world’s eyes with the Serbian military forces killing 8,000 Bosnian men and raping, torturing thousands of women and children after the U.N. declared the area a ‘safe zone‘.

EIR will be authored by leading experts in the field of Islamophobia Studies and/or NGO-activists committed to the documentation of racism in respective nation states.

TANAP will fundamentally change the energy equation in Turkey. They will also carry peace, security and stability from the Caspian to the heartlands of Anatolia and on to Europe, thereby constituting the groundwork for the formation of a more integrated regional political economy.

The Islamist identity of Morsi and his party seems to be the major reason for the reticence of the international community and media in defining this coup a coup!

The migration and settlement of Turks and Muslims in Europe since the 1960s has irrevocably changed the social, cultural, religious and demographic landscape of European societies by transforming them into more ethnically heterogeneous and diverse political communities.

What do Turks in Europe think about the European Union identity? How do they define the EU? How do they see the image of Turkey in Europe? How far do they support Turkey's EU membership? Are they prepared to contribute to Turkey's efforts for full membership? This article will address such questions based on research findings surveying 100 Turkish civil associations in the Netherlands.

Awareness of the importance of civil society institutions increased among Turks in Europe after the mid 1980’s. Membership volume of Turkish civil organizations, their areas of activities and relations with other institutions suggest that Turks internalized values of civil society and are increasingly getting integrated in the Dutch society. Interests of Turks in civil society organizations and civil values as well as focus of their political preferences are an indication of social integration. The primary focus of Turks in the Netherlands is political questions in this country rather than Turkey. They are interested in issues such as political participation and representation in their host country since they want to lead a harmonious life with the society in this country.The current study indicates that Holland is at the heart of the activities of Turkish civil organizations. Majority of the organizations in the sample carry out their activities in Holland either on local or national level. This trend is an indication for the efforts and willingness of Turks who would like to integrate in the larger society. Research results also show that Turks don’t want to live in cultural ghettos isolated from rest of the society with walls of discrimination but they want to lead a social life in harmony with the Dutch society far from conflicts but without losing their own identity.