This report entitled “The PKK’s Branch in Northern Syria: PYD-YPG” aims to answer basic questions about the PYD and is one of the leading reports originally penned in Turkish.
Under the circumstances, Turkey should be expected to use new hard power instruments in Syria.
The United States wants to get involved in the Syrian crisis again – rapidly and effectively.
This book discusses ISIS within the context of violent non-state actors (VNSA); analyzes historical, ideological and operational roots and features of the group in Syria; and positions ISIS within the matrix of the conflicting parties in Syria.
Whether the current negotiations will be able to solve the Syria crisis is still uncertain, but it is good to see that at least something has started to be done in the name of peace
Turkey will continue to be in Syria no matter what until Daesh terrorists are completely eliminated from the towns
A new balance of power is emerging between Russia and the U.S. as well as among regional powers including Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army needs to liberate al-Bab and reinforce the safe zone with moderates who left eastern Aleppo under the Turkey-Russia deal
At the end of the day, Obama did not act and the people of Syria suffered. This will continue to haunt his foreign policy legacy
Turkey is the main humanitarian actor on the ground spearheading intense shuttle diplomacy with Russia for a peaceful resolution of the Aleppo crisis
The main motive of Turkish-Russian relations is the interdependence in the economy, taking into consideration that bilateral trade between the two countries is quite high.
The world witnessed a major humanitarian crisis last week, as regime forces and its allies committed atrocities in Aleppo, along with the inaction of the U.S. and EU and the rhetorical actions of the U.N. Security Council
Iran is trying to establish its own area of influence before Trump is sworn in and points to Iran as the main other in the Middle East
There is a genocide going on in Aleppo in front of the eyes of the entire world; civilians are being killed indiscriminately, without a care for whether man or woman, child or adult, child, young or old
A potential disengagement over the fate of the refugee deal could create additional problems for Ankara and Brussels alike. Moving forward, European leaders have to stop bashing Turkey and cease their support for terrorist groups targeting Turkish citizens
Egypt's warming toward Russia, Iran and Syria, and its ongoing hostility to Turkey, is fatally undermining relations with Saudi Arabia
U.S. President Barack Obama once said during an interview that he resented President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan because he did not employ his great army to fight DAESH.
Having launched operation Euphrates Shield on Aug. 24, Turkey not only helped the Free Syrian Army (FSA) liberate Jarablus but also became directly involved in the Syrian civil war.
Constitutively, the Euphrates Shield operation had two phases. The first phase aimed to liberate several villages and areas in the west and south of Jarabulus in order to be able to lay siege to the city. In the second phase, an offensive attack enabled the entrance of the aforementioned forces to the city center.
The increasing intensity of terrorist attacks on Turkish soil by both DAESH and PKK operatives demonstrate that Turkey's entrance in Syria will create shockwaves by the illicit structures on the ground.
Biden's visit can bring many good things and opportunities for bilateral relations if the U.S. can show support for Turkey and Turkish people. It is an era that will stay in the memories of the people for many years.