What's Turkey’s political agenda in 2022?

The opposition will not stop demanding an early election in 2022, while the current government will want to wait until the country's new economic model starts yielding results.

What's Turkey s political agenda in 2022
What awaits foreign policy in the new year

What awaits foreign policy in the new year?

An assessment of the international system's current state and Turkey's foreign policy helps us anticipate what awaits us in 2022.


With Turkey's foreign policy, President Erdoğan aims to protect and foster the country's international and regional interests

While it may be too early to make a precise prediction for the future, the prospect of normalization is promising and vital for the region. Eyes are now on the Armenian prime minister

The new diplomatic momentum in the trilateral relations is potential enough to bring peace to the entire region

In the post-pandemic order, Ankara seeks to explore new opportunities and find ways to reduce regional tensions

Misleading Turkish-American relations

With different actors but the same agenda, there have always been figures in U.S. politics that aim to damage relations with Turkey. Robert Dole and Robert 'Bob' Menendez are two of them

Misleading Turkish-American relations
Western global strategy Patience or blindness

Western global strategy: Patience or blindness?

The lack of rational policies and well-calculated road maps alienate the Western powers from allies and neutral countries


In today's global and regional developments, the Western world's otherizing and alienating of Turkey is nothing but an ideological blindness

With its regional mindset and strategy, there is now a way for Tehran to be productive in the South Caucasus

The main issue on the table during the Erdoğan-Putin summit was the increased regime and Russian attacks on Idlib and Afrin. These attacks were jeopardizing the terms of the deal that was reached in 2018. Both leaders confirmed their willingness to maintain the existing status quo in Syria and work together to restore security and stability in the war-torn country. Both Moscow and Ankara are more pressured than ever to find a political solution in Syria due to the enduring costs and potential security risks of the Syrian civil war.

The recent votes in Israel, Armenia and Iran have affected both the region and those countries' relations with Turkey. In particular, Tel Aviv's new Prime Minister Bennett's discriminatory statements and Tehran's new President Raisi's conservative attitude are on the agenda

For both NATO and the U.S., Turkey happens to play an active role on a multitude of fronts – whether it’s Russia and China, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), or the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Erdoğan’s subsequent trip to Shusha, in turn, reflected the new realities of Turkish foreign policy.

This issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide the verity to its readers through an extensive and rich framing that includes four commentaries and six research articles covering anti-Islam practices worldwide.

What is the importance for the Armenians of the 'Armenian Genocide' allegations? What are the characteristics of the concept of genocide? Is U.S. President Biden’s decision to recognize the 'Armenian Genocide' lawful? Should Turkey continue to take the issue seriously? What is Turkey doing and what more should it do about the issue?

The backlash over U.S. President Joe Biden’s statement on the so-called Armenian 'genocide' continues. Deeming the Turkish government’s reaction insufficient, opposition leaders argued that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan lacked 'the courage to hang up on Biden.' Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairperson Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and Good Party (IP) leader Meral Akşener eagerly attacked the government much more fiercely than they reacted to the White House statement. Turkey’s contemporary foreign policy, they said, was actually responsible for what happened.

Recently, the United States has taken critical steps to 'recognize' certain historical developments. These “recognitions” are unilateral actions that, for the most part, challenge the basic principles of international law.

Military intervention in politics is constituted one of the most significant threats for democracies around the world. Although many around the world forget the extent of this threat for the democratic regimes around the world, the coups and military interventions remind themselves for many through its presence.

Pashinian, a pro-American politician, could not strike a healthy balance between the Russian influence over his country and his government’s policy of closer cooperation with the Western alliance.

2020 was really an interesting year. It has influenced almost every aspect of life, including international politics. Overall, 2020 has caused vital damage to all states; no state escaped from its detrimental effects.