Turkey’s Elections 2018

This report examines and provides an introduction to the decision to hold the elections early and the platforms and candidates that the major political parties are putting forward in the June 2018 elections. As noted, there are a number of candidates for the presidency from the AK Party, the CHP, MHP, HDP, IYI Party, SP, and other parties. In the parliamentary elections, there are two major electoral alliances, a new feature in Turkish elections.

Turkey s Elections 2018
Election Safety and Combining Ballot Boxes

Election Safety and Combining Ballot Boxes

Is the institutional structure sufficiently trustworthy regarding management and supervision of elections in Turkey? What are the regulations introduced by the Election Safety Law and what are their purpose? What does the decision to move and combine ballot boxes mean? Are the criticisms justified?


The June 24 election is all about the institutionalization of the presidential system and deciding who is best suited to carry Turkey into the future

The Turkish people will choose a leader who will skillfully manage the country in a rapidly changing and unpredictable global system, in which even historical allies are turning against one another

How has the PKK gained a vast territory in Iraq and Syria? What was the strategy of the PKK’s territorial gain? Is the Turkish strategy for the de-territorialization of the PKK working? What challenges will Turkey face?

The CHP and HDP are trying to hand in hand to prevent the Turkish government from increasing its fight against the PKK and FETÖ terrorist groups

Trump-Kim agreement: A diplomatic success or a public spectacle?

U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Leader Kim Jong Un's historic summit on Sentosa Island, Singapore ended with the signing of a document and joint statement from the two leaders. The two agreed to work on complete denuclearization and joining their efforts to build lasting and stable peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Trump-Kim agreement A diplomatic success or a public spectacle
Managing the economy in the new era

Managing the economy in the new era

Turkey is heading toward one of the most critical general elections next Sunday that will kick-start the practical implementation of the presidential government system.


One of the most discussed issues in Washington, D.C. nowadays is the Iran strategy of the Trump administration.

Trump's unilateralist foreign policy is leading the U.S. down a self-destructive path while increasing the competition and tension between global powers

The so-called 'fight against radicalization' seen in Austria and across Europe in general, only encourages discrimination and alienates Muslims from society through a far more destructive form of radicalism

The outcome of the G-7 Quebec summit signals that the trade war between the U.S. and EU will continue for a while

CHP's reaction to Turkey's legitimate offensive against the PKK formations in northern Iraq is irrational

Following meetings between top diplomats from Turkey and the U.S. in Washington last week, there is cautious optimism for a "road map" for the future of Manbij and U.S.-Turkish relations.

Major challenges require unconventional responses, and Turkey is preparing to produce an unconventional and comprehensive systemic response to the major and multifaceted challenges it faces in various areas

The recent agreement over Manbij between Turkey and the U.S. is a hopeful development; yet other important issues regarding Ankara's security concerns and peace in Syria still remain

Terrorists have been neutralized since launch of operation against terrorists in March 2018

After the partnership between Saudi and the U.S., relations strengthened during the Salman period and Riyadh began to support the most secular groups in Syria

Opposition presidential candidates İnce and Akşener only have vague commitments on how to restore the parliamentary system

The oppositions' presidential candidates, i.e. Muharrem Ince, Temel Karamollaoğlu and Meral Akşener, are calling for the release of Selahattin Demirtaş, who is supported by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), from prison.

As the new site of international hegemonic competition, East Asia perfectly reflects the multipolar character of the global system