To Not Lose More: The Magical Concept in Turkish-US Relations

The passive attitude kept up by the U.S. throughout all of the processes in the Middle East is not a result of indecisiveness but the very policy itself, which Ankara knows

To Not Lose More The Magical Concept in Turkish-US Relations
Sharing the Middle East and New Doctrines

Sharing the Middle East and New Doctrines

The doctrines of President George W. Bush and Obama made long-term uncertainty innate to the region, which would change the security and alliance structures of the Middle East. But how?


Turkey's current central banking framework was structured in the aftermath of the twin crises in 2000-2001 and reflects the exclusive priority to maintain price stability and control inflation.

Iraq and Syria will haunt Obama's legacy in the future and, for many, the emergence and rise of DAESH and failure to destroy the organization will also leave a stain

The United States' failure to manage the Arab Spring revolutions coupled with its failure to enforce its red line following the Ghouta chemical attack raises questions among Saudi Arabia's ruling elite about Washington's reliability as an ally

Instead of focusing on not negotiating with legal actors in the Middle East to solve the current hot conflicts, the Obama administration tosses them out. Obama will probably have his name written on the lists of antagonists in history

Mr. Bharara Not Accepting Gifts Just For Doing His Job

The arrest of Iranian-Turkish businessman Reza Zerrab in Miami does not give any message as thought by the Turkish opposition - it only shows that a U.S. attorney did his duty

Mr Bharara Not Accepting Gifts Just For Doing His Job
If Japan Is Back It Has To Do More

If Japan Is Back, It Has To Do More

If the Japanese government is determined to become more visible in global politics, it should make the most of opportunities such as the Syrian crisis to take the first step in convincing the international community


Criticizing Turkey has been a popular sport in Western capitals. It would appear that they will continue talking for some time. In April, their main focus will be charges of Armenian genocide, to which Turkey must respond with rational policies able to cut through the noise.

Dr. Farid Hafez from the University of Salzburg and Dr. Enes Bayraklı from SETA analyze Islamophobia in Europe vis-a-vis their new annual report, 'European Islamophobia Report 2015'

The opening remarks of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who took over the term presidency of the organization, during the summit depicted the expectations of the OIC. His remarks were full of new suggestions to turn the OIC into a genuine association.

With 57 member states, the OIC, which is the second largest international organization, is extremely difficult to govern with diverse national interests and alliances

The ability of Islamic countries to come together and put forward a common vision in the face of regional and global problems, and for them to develop appropriate political solutions for this vision, is an important opportunity for global peace.

Since Erdoğan ended the old habit of the pro-West intelligentsia in Turkey, he has been portrayed as a sultan, and Turkey as an authoritarian state

The U.S. must give up its 'saving the day-policy' and realize the long-term importance of engaging in Turkey's fight against the PKK's Syrian branch PYD

The two countries may find some areas in which to work together in the changing region. There are already many speculations about the possible positioning of this normalization in the changing balance of power in the Middle East and shifting alliances.

Calling for renewed talks may be tempting, but it has little meaning until Turkey removes PKK militants from the southeast and the international community draws up a plan to facilitate political transition in Syria

The existence of tax havens thanks to legal loopholes must be problematized from an ethical perspective that places the alleviation of poverty and global income disparities at its epicenter

Without much assistance from the international community the opposition forces lost a lot of ground to DAESH. Thus the opposition was never considered a viable option in the fight against DAESH or the regime.

The PKK is an ultra-pragmatist terror organization that can use even the peace rhetoric to fool communities.

The UNAOC initiative represented a perfect example of Turkey's proactive, multilateral diplomacy based on building international alliances around common principles and inclusiveness, contributing to innovative peace building through dialogue