Elections and More Questions

There is serious concern about the future of unity due to the exclusivist discourse in the U.S. society while 'House divided' murmurs are on a rise

Elections and More Questions
Elections and Questions

Elections and Questions

Americans and people around the world are looking ahead to the results of the upcoming U.S. elections, they have a lot questions to ask the winner


The West need to consider Turkey's place in international politics from a realistic perspective rather than an imaginary one and evaluate it in terms of strategic priorities, not historical ones

Turkey, like many other countries, could adopt a presidential system of government without decentralizing the administrative system by introducing federalism.

The Asia Pacific still is in the periphery in both Trump and Clinton's major addresses to the U.S. public opinion

There will also be global repercussions after the election. Regardless of who is elected, the world will try to understand the foreign policy priorities of the new president.

The Main Motivation Behind Turkey's Foreign Policy

Turkey is acting with quite realist justifications in foreign policy. Turkey's struggle with terrorist organizations and the relations it fosters with other states breed on these justifications.

The Main Motivation Behind Turkey's Foreign Policy
Turkey's New Security Concept

Turkey's New Security Concept

Turks are trying to adapt to the regional order's downfall and a dangerous increase in the number of failed states in the neighborhood


That night, the turbulence we have been experiencing for the last three years climbed to its peak. We have entered a period in which the consolidation of our democracy cannot be revoked

Turkish people on streets to guard democracy against Gülenist coup plotters

It was a surreal moment in history, not only for Turkey, but also for the world

It was a tragic night, it was a fateful night, it was a night that showed so many things about the Turkish people, their bravery, their dedication and commitment to democracy

The Gülenist soldiers who attempted this coup fired on civilians and the state's security forces. In the clashes that occurred, dozens of innocent people lost their lives alongside those who attempted the coup

What the British Conservatives have in mind for the future of Britain - or simply England - seems to be a small trading and financing nation acting as an offshore center for global oligarchs with little regard for democracy, human rights and the rule of law

In the long term, the most important and effective mechanisms to stop this form of violence will be through understanding the roots of recruitment for terrorist organizations

The developments we are witnessing today posits that it is especially for the West that history is beginning again. The West's conventional order is disintegrating; it's political union is disbanding.

Western leaders should stop confessing and try repentance instead. The world would be a better place if they refrained from making mistakes on purpose