Unlearn Everything You Think You Know About Turkey

The coup attempt last month has opened new windows of opportunity for Turkey, and foreign observers should seize this opportunity to unlearn everything that they pretend to know - or think they know - about the country

Unlearn Everything You Think You Know About Turkey
The Resilience of the Turkish Economy after the Failed Coup

The Resilience of the Turkish Economy after the Failed Coup Attempt

In this SETA Analysis, we first give a snapshot of the Turkish Economy. Secondly, we take an overview of actions taken by policymakers to ensure the efficient functioning of the economy and to relieve financial markets after the failed coup attempt.


The tutelage period of the military was already over and Turkish politicians decided to stand together against this system.

The reaction to the U.S. in Turkey is not about the U.S.'s way of life or its values, it is what the U.S. does not do as an ally of Turkey

The attacks from Western states on Turkish democracy will remain a black stain in the history of democracy

It is almost impossible to defeat the Fethullahçı organisation by just focusing on its institutional infrastructure. It is also absolutely necessary to defeat the movement’s messianic ideology and belief system.

Fethullah Gülen and the United States

The U.S. has been defending the coup plotters so desperately that one can't help but wonder why they won't stop supporting FETÖ

Fethullah Gülen and the United States
Is Washington Aware of What Is to Come

Is Washington Aware of What Is to Come?

If Washington wants to protect the Turkey-U.S. alliance, it has to re-evaluate what happened on the night of July 15.


We must categorically reject stereotyping that tries to portray Erdoğan as a typical Middle Eastern autocrat and Gülen as a progressive Muslim leader

Why is the July 15 Turkish Resistance against the coup attempt is a civil resistance case? How did unarmed civilians become successful in the face of troops? Why did the July 15 resistance receive broad-based participation? What are the factors that will shape the future of the July 15 resistance campaign?

15th July was a night full of lessons for the people studying nonviolent movement around the world