Ambitious policies of Saudi Arabia and the Emiratis

After the Arab revolutions and insurgencies started, all strong republican regimes, which were known as the main carriers of Arab nationalism, collapsed.

Ambitious policies of Saudi Arabia and the Emiratis
Turkey protects civilians PKK uses them as human shields

Turkey protects civilians, PKK uses them as human shields

It must have been about 6 months now since a Western colleague of mine told me that Turkey's foreign policy had gotten much more aggressive and that he found this odd.


On going talks between the governing Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) were finalized with a deal on..

On Feb. 3, the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) held its 36th Ordinary Congress.

The U.S. making axis shift in foreign policy is the root cause of frozen Ankara-Washington relations

The killing of 17-year-old Fatma by YPG terrorists proves how right Turkey was to start the Afrin operation

US contribution to Syrian mayhem

The Syrian crisis was ignited by the popular protests against Bashar Assad's despotic regime in March 2011.

US contribution to Syrian mayhem
Afrin operation's effects on Turkish-US relations

Afrin operation's effects on Turkish-US relations

Washington needs to understand the legitimate reasons why Turkey launched its anti-terrorism operation against the YPG in northern Syria


Turkey's plan to build a wall on the Syrian border ruins the YPG's plans, and that is why it is trying to do its best to prevent the construction of the wall by killing workers

If Egypt is really making an axis shift from its historic ally U.S. to Russia, then Pence's upcoming visit to Cairo will be very important for the future of Washington's Middle East strategies

Ankara is getting ready for a military operation against the threat of a terror corridor on the Syrian border, dispatching military convoys to southern cities, hitting PKK/PYD targets in Afrin

Political analyst, Nebi Miş, said the AK Party and MHP's possible election alliance is a necessary tactical move with the new presidential system, while the main opposition CHP has failed to create a long-term policy to challenge the other bloc

Donald Trump's Jerusalem move made the situation in the Middle East even worse. Without east Jerusalem, there can be no two-state solution.

In addition to the Syrian crisis, Ankara and Washington have not been able to come to an agreement on Turkey's possible purchase of Russian-made defense systems.

Trump's decision to stop "this nonsense" caught the Pentagon and the U.S. State Department by surprise.

The new Saudi administration changing King Abdullah's 'engagement to the world' policy isolates Saudi Arabia in the region and risks its position in global balances

There are two countries that enjoy the deepening chaos of the Middle East. One is Russia, which has increased its influence by filling the gaps left by the U.S. after 2015. It has achieved regional power that affects the balances with a relatively limited military presence.

It seems that a strong power struggle among the grandsons of King Abdulaziz ibn Saud will determine the future of the country. The killing of his two grandsons and the confiscation of financial assets of leading businessmen for sure will have implications for Saudi politics in the near future.

At the heart of the AK Party leadership’s courage lies their ability to actively and rapidly respond to political circumstances and trends. To be clear, this isn’t just about pragmatism necessitated by facts and needs.