The New Turkey's Challenges

If street violence undermines the nation's security and stability, the country might end up short of a stable environment to build a more democratic political system.

The New Turkey's Challenges
Energized' Neighborliness Relations between Turkey and the Kurdish Regional Government

‘Energized' Neighborliness: Relations between Turkey and the Kurdish Regional Government

This study is an attempt to analyze these energy relations which have come into play as a new parameter in the relations between Ankara and Erbil.


Life is a perpetual quest for renewal, and the not-so-uncommon pain of change often calls for a strong narrative. After all, one tends to find some comfort in the magic of words. The power of discourse allows us to blend yesterday's memories with the promise of today and the future.

Politically, the "crisis lobby" is playing to the hope that there will be an existential crisis within the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) stemming from problems of leadership transition.

Erdoğan's timely, direct and proactive moves reduced the time span of Turkey's normalization and democratization, and promoted economic stability.

The Gülenist parallel state began to operate with help from affiliated members of law enforcement, public prosecutors and judges, the covert organization gained access to all levels of government.

Presidential Elections as the First Step Toward a New System

Presidential elections, which will take place next month, will be an important turning point in the history of Turkish democracy.

Presidential Elections as the First Step Toward a New System
Smart Economic Planning and New Turkey

Smart Economic Planning and New Turkey

A major theme that will occupy our agendas on the road to the construction of the new Turkey will be the importance of effective R&D and science-industry policies designed to overcome the "middle income trap."


What do the Crimean Tatars mean for the region? Why did Russia take such a dramatic step as annexation, and what does Russia expect from this? Where does Turkey stand on this issue?

There is nothing to be hopeful about an election that was produced by a coup d’état orchestrated with the political support provided by the United States, financing by the Gulf and violence by the Baltajis.

In fact, 30 years of time travel demonstrated the unprecedented revival of Japan in terms of economy and technology.

If Erdoğan is nominated and becomes president, in his capacity as the popularly elected president, he will continue to work with the government he has spearheaded.

Since the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) rule, the field diversified as mainstream and marginal media became more pluralized. Mainstream media has diversified and reflected societal demands, political positions and differences.

Ever since the general elections of June 12, 2011, even without knowing how exactly events would unfold, it was not difficult to see that 2014 stood to become a very difficult political long year.

The elections will not end polarization in Turkish politics. In fact, this election should be seen as the first phase of the presidential elections of Aug. 10, 2014.

Turkey successful combination of fiscal discipline and welfare policies yielded desired results. The next step forward requires more R&D spending

The Gülen Movement represents an informal political force in Turkey that holds the country’s political leadership at gunpoint.

With their current structure, it is impossible to describe Gulen and his followers as a religious or a civil society organizatıon. They should be described at most as an organization fighting for a state within the State or a political opposition.

Rule of law has been one of the leading topics of discussion since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. The founders of the secular republic which was built on the ruins of the Ottoman State, attempted to ground it in a hybrid model of politics and law, in every sense of the word.

It is impossible for the old tutelary foundation that is cemented by the Constitution to carry the emerging new edifice of Turkey.

The AK Party was struggling to find a mid-way amid the red lines drawn by the three opposition parties. If getting rid of the Jacobean articles of the junta Constitution was not possible, then at least considerable effort was going to be exerted to subdue the emphasis on ethnicity in those articles.