Panel: The Refugee Crisis 2.0 and the European Stance
The Idlib crisis, which has been accepted as the knot point of the Syrian civil war that has been going on for nine years, brought a new refugee crisis. After Turkey announced that it will no longer prevent migrants to across into Europe, thousands of refugees have flocked to the Turkish-Greek border. However it is seen that the European actors have refrained from taking comprehensive steps towards the issue. They also do not want to accept their share of obligations on the refugee issue, and moreover blame Turkey, which hosts approximately 4 million refugees in its borders.
In this direction SETA European Studies Directorate will organize a panel on the new refugee crisis and the attitude of European actors towards the issue. SETA Researcher Zeliha Eliaçık will lead the panel in company of journalist Ayşe Böhürler from Yeni Şafak, author of the book “Mülteci Parfümü” and the producer of the documentary “Avrupa’nın Mültecilerle İmtihanı”, Prof. Dr. Yusuf Adıgüzel, Dean of the Sakarya University Faculty of Communication, researcher Kenda Hawasi from the Syrian Dialogue Center, and lawyer Abdullah Resul Demir, President of the International Refugee Rights Association.
We would be honored to be joined by you at the event.
English-Turkish simultaneous translation will be provided.
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