Panel: Reform in Ethiopia and Turkish-Ethiopian Relations
Many shifts have taken place in Ethiopia and in the Horn of Africa since the current Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in April 2018. Among the noble changes are releasing thousands of political prisoners, opening political space for opposition parties and media, and privatizing key areas of the economy. PM Ahmed has initiated an opening in foreign policy. He ended the enduring conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, which subsequently led to rapprochement between other regional states. He also mediated between South Sudanese leaders, which led to a peace deal.
The following questions will be discussed at the panel: What are the opportunities and challenges of these reforms? How do ongoing changes in Ethiopia affect Ethiopian-Turkish relations? What are the implications of these reforms on the regional politics? How can regional realignments affect Turkey’s presence in the region?
NOTE: The Panel will be in Turkish and English. Simultaneous interpretation services will be provided.
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