Panel: Fault Lines in the European Union
The European Union (EU), which emerged as an economic partnership after World War II and later formed an extensive partnership in Europe by developing both its scope and its borders, becoming an influential actor in world politics, is on the verge of a great crisis.
After Brexit, that is the loss of one of the EU’s most important members; with its structural, ideational and diplomatic powers, Germany might become the hegemon in the Union in the near future. At the same time, there are new divergences in the EU after the current refugee crisis and the rising populism in the member states.
Moreover Turkey-EU relations have been suffering for a long time. With the negotiations practically coming to a halt, it is unclear how relations will continue in the future. In this context, a privileged partnership instead of full membership and the renewal of the Customs Union, which can no longer respond to the demands of both sides, are on the agenda.
After the publication of its special issue “Fault Lines in the European Union: Brexit, Populism and Divergences,” Insight Turkey has organized a panel where experts will share their perspectives on the current problems of the EU.
We courteously invite all those who might be interested to participate in the panel.
Note: Panel discussion will be held in Turkish and English with translation provided.
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