Panel: Debating Russia's Assertive Foreign Policy
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has been enjoying more influence in international politics. It has established strategic partnerships and cooperation with different countries and has developed multilateral and bilateral initiatives with its partners. Its role and influence increased especially in regional politics and in the energy field, which has provided Russia a strong say in many international developments. After Russia’s growing role in global oil and natural gas market, many importer countries became dependent on Russia. The exports of oil and natural gas have triggered rivalry between Russia and other oil and gas exporting countries such as the Gulf States.
When it comes to the relations between Russia and Turkey, conflicting political views on the Syrian crisis and the downing of a Russian jet by Turkish security forces has greatly damaged the bilateral relations. However, after the political leadership in Moscow and Ankara decided to initiate rapprochement, both countries have been willing to continue their strategic partnership.
After the publication of its special issue “Reclaiming the Region: Russia, the West, and the Middle East”, Insight Turkey organizes a panel where speakers will share their perspectives on Russia’s foreign policy.
We cordially invite all those who might be interested to participate in the panel.
Note: Panel discussion will be translated to English and Turkish.
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