Panel: Brexit, EU and Turkey
Many Britons voted in favour of leave in the EU referendum in June 2016 and believed that an EU-independent UK would be better off for them. Therefore, the UK is bound to leave the EU by March 29, 2019, but there are many uncertainties being discussed as the UK and EU continue the debate on Brexit deal. While analyzing all the process, Brexit is very important for Turkey due to the fact that it may affect Turkey-EU relations in the near future.
In this panel, Sir Dominick Chilcott will make a keynote speech about “Post Brexit: Turkey-UK Relations” to explain how the relation between two countries will evolve in the post-Brexit period. Soon after that, a detailed debate on Turkey-EU relations in the post Brexit period will be brought by our distinguished guests.
We courteously invite all those who might be interested to participate in the panel.
PS: Simultaneous translation will be provided into Turkish and English.
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