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Neo-Tutelage Intelligence and the Political

Neo-Tutelage, Intelligence and the Political

What we need today is an intellectual effort to keep politics at the core of its agenda against the neo-tutelage center which simply was born out of a “gate-guard perspective” instead of discussing the law, legal files and the police.

Nowadays, the debates over “parallel state,” a term used to describe “a state within the state”, do not only refer to the existential political crisis after the December 17, 2013 operation (against the State). Our intelligence, morals and politics too have been poisoned by “our new secret”, known by all yet revealed very recently. A new class is born from the hallways of the Intelligence, the Police and the judiciary to participate in our discussions over “the kind of a state, politics and society we wish to have”. The novelty of this class does not come from what it includes but from actors belonging to it and its accumulation of power under the shadow of an elected power. Otherwise, Turkey is very familiar with actors toying with ‘deep statism’ in their world of Ergenekon.

There have always been actors who build their entire existence and intellectual outputs on analyzing relations and events. They have managed to attract attention in every period to a certain degree. It, therefore, would not be a big issue if our aforementioned new actors were only interested in the maps of intelligence and detective worlds. The problem is that these new actors see no harm in acting like both ideological and organizational relatives of the neo-tutelage center living inside the Judiciary and the Police, either.

Dealing with this “new mastermind” is more difficult than it is assumed. Because we are faced here with a mentality that encounters a political analysis with a judicial case, sociological analysis with intelligence information, economic-political reading with an investigative relations map, geopolitical evaluation with dubious theological reading, and political discussion with a judicial debate. It is exactly for this reason that a sincere, genuine and serious debate and reasoning is not possible in the first place. Especially when your respondent uses a theo-political language, it is futile to get anywhere from the discussion. Nowadays, the most definitive two vortices that the dead-end discussions have fallen into, are the efforts to tackle with the December 17, 2013 operation on the plateau of the Police or the court-house. I will talk about the discussion over the jurisprudence’s invalidation of politics at a later time; however, we must realize the world of intelligence that has been utilized. What I mean by the “intelligence” here is nothing but the world of cheap detective information and tracking and tracing.


How should the relationships between intelligence and a journalist, and between an academician and an intellectual be? Other than these groups of professionals that face with or come across intelligence cases as part of their profession, what could the consequences be if a large movement having a large grassroots has a similar relationship with intelligence? Before answering these questions, we should underline the profound difference between practicing intelligence as a profession and using intelligence as an instrument. Intelligence as a profession has its own world of morals with its unique set of rules and irregularities. You may only become an intelligence expert by accepting to enter this world with its own rules.

This is a consistent attitude in itself. However, if you - without getting involved in intelligence as a profession - try to read life, politics, society and the future with the level of intelligence morality you better consider making crucial mistakes in almost every step of your way.

Even more so, if you turn this into a main instrument of politicization of a group that operates in various areas of life, the gravity (of the issue) increases even more. The most ordinary of these mistakes may depend on whether your intelligence is false or true while the most perilous of such mistakes stems from the devastation you cause. This devastation starts with its attempt to destroy politics.

An intellectual effort with a tenden