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Deciphering Russia s 2021 National Security Strategy Document

Deciphering Russia’s 2021 National Security Strategy Document

What is the National Security Strategy? What does the 2021 document envision? What are the priorities and primary threats mentioned in the document?

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Russia is one of the countries that adhere to a number of regularly issued official documents while pursuing its policies at both domestic and international levels. Apart from the constitution, the Kremlin complies with military doctrines, naval doctrines, foreign policy concepts, national security strategies, etc. In other words, these documents draw a line – kind of a broad structure – within policymakers' road maps. Herein, the National Security Strategy (NSS) stands out as the most unique document that unites eclectic aspects of all of the aforementioned doctrines within itself. Dmitri Trenin, the director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, refers to it as a “mother of all strategies...
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