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July 15 A milestone for Türkiye

July 15: A milestone for Türkiye

On the anniversary of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt, Türkiye displayed a spirit of resistance that showed the world how to stand against uprisings

Monday was the eighth anniversary of the glorious resistance of July 15, 2016 in Türkiye. That night pitted the Gülenist Terror Group's (FETÖ) treason against the Turkish nation’s “great act of resistance for survival.”

The thwarting of the July 15 coup attempt represented a milestone not just in Türkiye but also in the history of coups worldwide.

On that fateful night, the Turkish people established how they would respond to any future attempt at perpetrating a coup in the country. In this sense, they set an example for the world by preventing a coup and encouraging all opponents of such events. Indeed, most recently in Bolivia, the people thwarted a coup attempt by taking to the streets and pushing back against coup plotters.

Since 1950, close to 500 coup attempts have taken place across the world. There are road maps available to prepare for such attempts, half of which have succeeded, and what to do after the coup. Indeed, Edward Luttwak, a coup specialist who served as U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s Middle East advisor, even published the 1969 book “Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook” – a manual disguised as a regular publication.

Over the following years, that book was updated in light of global developments as juntas prepared to topple governments. Let me add that a new edition of Luttwak’s book was published shortly before the FETÖ coup attempt in Türkiye, which was mentioned plenty of times in the introductory chapter.

In contrast, if one were to publish a manual on how to thwart attempted coups against elected governments, one would have to identify the thwarting of the July 15 coup and occupation attempt as a “model.”

July 15, 2016, represents a textbook example for anyone seeking to topple their country’s elected government through coups or internal strife on behalf of foreign powers.

The thwarting of the July 15 coup attempt was a powerful response to those powers, which promoted a regime change in various countries through “colored revolutions” and the “Arab Spring” during the 2000s, and a source of inspiration for national resistance.

It is no secret that Türkiye, too, faced such attempts in the form of the Gezi Park riots, the FETÖ coup attempt of Dec. 17-25, 2013, and the terrorist organization PKK’s "trench" campaign. On July 15, however, the Turkish nation’s political consciousness and wisdom stood in the way of the coup, internal strife and chaos. In this sense, the people put in place a hurdle for any future attempts in the future.

Disinformation campaign

As time passes, FETÖ has doubled down on its manipulation and disinformation campaign regarding the July 15 coup attempt.

In the event’s immediate aftermath, the Gülenist allegation that July 15 was a “controlled coup” and a “plot” had been embraced by parts of the political opposition. Unfortunately, some groups, motivated by their opposition to the current government, have been reproducing FETÖ’s false claims in recent months. To make matters worse, some municipalities, which the opposition won in the most recent local elections, have reportedly canceled July 15 commemorations.

Such cancellations only serve to encourage the coup plotters. Refusing to speak up for the epic of July 15, 2016, amounts to disrespecting the memory of all martyrs, starting with fallen anti-coup hero Ömer Halisdemir. To turn a blind eye to the July 15 resistance would be an act of disloyalty toward the veterans and anyone who risked their lives by taking to the streets that night.

Whereas some groups seem unwilling to embrace the July 15 epic, the vast majority of the Turkish people truly appreciate its significance. They remember our martyrs and support our veterans. They are praying for them all. Indeed, over 75% of the population states that they would take to the streets if a similar insurrection were to take place today.

The footage we watch and the words we hear on each anniversary take us back to the night of July 15, reviving all the emotions we experienced at the time. We thus relive that night, becoming aware yet again that we must remember and pay due respect to all martyrs and veterans with gratitude.

The spirit of July 15 must be kept strong and not be weakened.

[Daily Sabah, July 15, 2024]