The PKK’s Branch In Northern Syria PYD-YPG

This report entitled “The PKK’s Branch in Northern Syria: PYD-YPG” aims to answer basic questions about the PYD and is one of the leading reports originally penned in Turkish.

The PKK s Branch In Northern Syria PYD-YPG
Turkey's Syrian Refugees

Turkey's Syrian Refugees

In this report, we provide an overview of the situation of refugees in Turkey and the difficulties that Turkey is facing in handling such a major crisis alongside of its Southern border.


This study tries to take a picture of Syria accompanied by cross-sections reflecting sufferings of Syrian people who are turned into nothing but statistics.

In 2012 the government introduced numerous changes and established new mechanisms in order to reinforce the constitutional state, resolve judiciary issues, protect and improve human rights and finally strengthen democracy.

Today, a new Turkey as a regional power is faced with a new US effort to reconsider its role in the region and around the globe.

The following analysis summarizes recent developments on two items in Turkey’s political agenda: the anti-tutelage struggle; and the PKK’s disarmament and the resolution of the Kurdish question.

Politics in 2012

The following analysis summarizes recent developments on two items in Turkey’s political agenda: the anti-tutelage struggle; and the PKK’s disarmament and the resolution of the Kurdish question.

Politics in 2012
Economy in 2012

Economy in 2012

The debt crisis in EU countries provoked pessimistic scenarios regarding economic growth, causing developed and developing countries to revise down their economic growth plans.


In contrast to the weaker European economies, neighboring Turkey has managed to recover fast and exhibit positive signs that the economy is moving towards more sustainable growth rates while dealing with domestic vulnerabilities.

Due to their different regime types and ideologically-oriented foreign policies, relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia did not progress throughout the 20th century.

The study addresses the League’s policy proposals, decisions, and reactions regarding the Syrian crisis and con­centrates on what these all policy measures mean for the League as a regional organization. 

Turkey, whose citizens were attacked by Israeli soldiers in international high waters, 72 miles away from the Gazan coast, took the lead in protests and condemnation.