Another blessed opening ceremony took place on May 28, as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a '150-year-old dream' come true by unveiling the Taksim Mosque. May this new mosque serve the Muslim world, the Turkish people and all Istanbulites well.
MoreThe national conversation in Turkey remains focused on domestic politics as we get closer and closer to a critical meeting in the international arena where President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is set to meet U.S. President Joe Biden for the first time, on the margins of the June 14 NATO summit.
MoreThe week after next, for the first time since his inauguration, United States President Joe Biden will attend diplomatic summits in Europe. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions in the first six months of his presidency, Biden only attended high-level summits remotely through videoconferencing.
Tevdîrên ewlehiyê yên nû yên birêvebiriya Macron ên bi giştî ji bo gelê Fransiz û bi taybetî ji bo misilmanan digel ku li welêt maf û azadiyan sînordar dike di civakê da jî atmosfera bêewlehiyê ya mezin derdixîne holê.
Las nuevas medidas de seguridad que la administración del presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, ha introducido recientemente afectan al pueblo francés en general y a los musulmanes del país en particular.
On May 19, 2021, the European Parliament (EP) published its report on Turkey in which it recommended the suspension of Turkey's European Union accession negotiations.
While unclear how long ceasefire will last, only real solution -however long-term it may be- seems to be rise of a regional state capable of counterbalancing US and Israel
MoreThe Palestinian people once again showed the Israeli government and the world that they will not surrender to Israeli occupation. In spite of the Israeli war machine, the strong support from global and regional powers and the convenient regional atmosphere, the Israeli government could not silence the Palestinian people.
More- Les nouvelles mesures de sécurité du gouvernement Macron, visant le peuple français en général et les musulmans en particulier, restreignent les droits et libertés dans le pays et créent un sérieux climat de méfiance dans la société.
Turkey’s 2023 elections, which will take place on the republic’s centennial, will be the most critical election in the history of Turkish democracy. You may disagree with that statement, recalling that past elections have been described the same way. You may add that commentators have talked about “historic” elections countless times since 2013.
After almost 17 years, 'Friends' is coming back in a one-off reunion special. Following the announcement of the date of its release, former and current Friends fans made the reunion episode a trend ion social media.
Netanyahu’s act of provocation did not just start a new war in Gaza. It established that the Biden administration’s lip service to human rights did not apply to the question of Jerusalem.