Should Turkey Have a Regional Islam Policy?

In a post-ISIS region, it is likely new radical groups claiming to wage jihad bent on shattering the Middle East's religious environment will emerge. Such radicalization in Turkey's neighborhood has become a growing threat.

Should Turkey Have a Regional Islam Policy
What Does the Sentencing of Ilham Tohti Mean for Uighurs

What Does the Sentencing of Ilham Tohti Mean for Uighurs, China and the International System?

In reality, nobody was surprised when Ilham Tohti was arrested in China. Even the life sentence did not shock many human rights advocates working on different issues of human rights and basic liberties in China.


The fact that Turkey will take over the presidency of the G-20 from Australia on Dec. 1, 2014 is a critical development in terms of Turkey's ongoing efforts to establish itself as a major emerging power with a strong voice on global issues.

Although military strikes against ISIS targets are conducted with the support of many Sunni Arab countries, this will not prove that the Sunnis in Iraq are fully supportive of these operations.

Forty-nine hostages were rescued from ISIS after a successful operation. Considering the delicacy of the situation, the supervision and conduct of this operation appear worthy of commendation.

Erdoğan was right when he protested Western media reports associating Turkey with ISIS and the politically motivated decisions of credit rating agencies that contradicted their approach toward similar economies.

Obama's War Coalition

First and foremost, the Abadi government will have to accumulate enough power to discourage Sunni tribes from joining ISIS fighters. The main question remains: what will happen once ISIS is defeated?

Obama's War Coalition
Obama's ISIS Strategy and Unanswered Questions

Obama's ISIS Strategy and Unanswered Questions

First of all, it is not clear how ISIS will be destroyed and what the projected timeframe for this operation will be.


A more humane and effective global competition strategy is possible only if we realize the significance of investment into high-level education, workplace training and use of new technologies.

The U.S. is seriously considering taking action against ISIS now even though the chaos in Syria and Iraq could have been avoided if the U.S. had taken action in the first place.

Despite the imminent danger that Central and Eastern European nations have felt since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, they do not look like they have been prepared for these moments and a potential crisis with Russia.

Does the civilization discourse of the AK Party, which ended the exclusion of religious Muslims and the Kurds from the public sphere, produce a form of, albeit more inclusive, nationalism?