Turkey's Strikes against the PKK: a New Security Doctrine?

The new security doctrine of Turkey can be commented as a re-constructed and effective fusion of multidimensional diplomacy and defense policy.

Turkey's Strikes against the PKK a New Security Doctrine
Erdoğan in India 'The World Is Bigger Than Five'

Erdoğan in India: 'The World Is Bigger Than Five'

Turkey and India are among the developing countries trying to change their role in the international system. Noting that the U.N. Security Council remains ineffective and unjust, both nations often call for reform.


In recent years, Mr. Erdoğan has included the common themes of conservatism, nationalism and Islamism, the main pillars of Turkish politics, in his discourse and policies to the best of his ability and under the prevailing conditions.

Ankara has begun to renew its foreign policy agenda in the post-referendum era in attempt to balance the shaken relations with its alliances

The two emerging powers, Turkey and India, will take concrete steps to improve their economic and political coperation in the meetings

The April 16 constitutional referendum did not lower the tensions in Turkish politics. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will travel to India, Russia, China, Belgium and the U.S. in the coming weeks.

U.S. Steals Role in Fight against Kurdish Terrorists

How can the U.S. guarantee against possible aggression from the YPG to Turkey following the attack?

U S Steals Role in Fight against Kurdish Terrorists
The European Union is Becoming a Burden for Turkey

The European Union is Becoming a Burden for Turkey

Turkey is a country that can continue its relations with European countries without the tutelage of the EU


All major political movements in Turkey have already started planning for the 2019 election

Thanks to the 'yes' result in the constitutional referendum, Turkey is going to negotiate with its foreign allies with renewed confidence in the following days

At this point it is not clear what options the U.S. is really considering and if armed intervention is among them, something that has never been done against a nuclear power before due to the risks.

The "yes" result in the referendum disappointed campaigners for "no" in the West more than the "no" front in Turkey. They clearly took up a position politically and failed.