Rise of theo-politics: Crusade-crescent clash and Isaiah's prophecy

Urging all “reasonable and conscientious nations” to mount pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to “re-embrace common sense,” he made some important points. Specifically, Erdogan criticized Western countries for turning a blind eye to the massacre in Gaza and failing to push for a cease-fire, accusing them of hypocrisy. Stressing that the Western support for Israel’s massacre was incompatible with humanitarian and religious values, the Turkish leader called on humanity to act.

Rise of theo-politics Crusade-crescent clash and Isaiah's prophecy
Israel Holds the Key to the Solution of the Palestinian

Israel Holds the Key to the Solution of the Palestinian Question

Although the Palestinian question started after the emergence of Zionism as a political movement, it has been at the center of Middle East politics for a long time due to the consequences of the Arab-Israeli Wars and the Israeli occupation after the establishment of the state of Israel. Relegated by many to the background due to developments focusing on Iran and the Persian Gulf since 1979, the Palestinian question has continued as an unresolved “problem,” and today, it is again the most important item on the agenda in the Middle East and the world at large.


The ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza, resulting in the tragic loss of more than 7,000 lives, has the potential to mark a significant turning point in Middle East geopolitics. Israel’s contemplated ground offensive introduces a range of dynamics that suggest the conflict between Israel and Hamas will extend beyond Gaza. Historically, these conflicts followed a familiar pattern: Hamas attacks against Israel, Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, a cease-fire, and a return to the status quo. However, the events of Oct. 7 strongly indicate a departure from this pattern, with Israel possibly establishing a lasting presence in at least the northern sector of Gaza, thereby altering the status quo.

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US backing Israel with weapons, aircraft carriers, consultants and more, according to experts

It is clear that Tel Aviv, which never again wants to see a similar attack to that of October 7, does not care about international reactions. A possible ground operation in Gaza, the opening of a new front by Hezbollah, new attacks in Syria, and further developments in the West Bank are among the hot topics on the current agenda. Our region may experience the horrific repercussions of ambitious deterrence.

'Great Palestine Rally' and Sweden's NATO accession protocol

The Turkish media reported two major developments with the potential to cause a stir in domestic politics. First, Sabah reported that the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) was going to host a pro-Palestinian event, the “Great Gathering for Palestine,” outside its provincial headquarters in Istanbul and that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and fellow leaders of the People’s Alliance would attend it. Secondly, the Directorate of Communications announced that President Erdoğan had signed Sweden’s NATO accession protocol and sent it to the Turkish Parliament.

Great Palestine Rally' and Sweden's NATO accession protocol
West regards Israel as unquestionable political entity

West regards Israel as unquestionable political entity

The Israeli attacks and violence against the innocent people of the Gaza Strip including children, women, the elderly and the disabled have been continuing for the last two weeks. On the one hand, it has been bombing indiscriminately not only civilian buildings and homes of ordinary people, but also schools, hospitals and places of worship, targeting of which are generally considered war crimes. On the other hand, confining civilian people to a certain area and depriving them of basic needs such as electricity, water, food, and medical needs also constitute crimes against humanity.


The argument that Hamas bears responsibility for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as put forward by Israel, has not convinced the American public. Unlike previous operations and wars, Israel's attempts to justify targeting civilians in Gaza and its insensitive remarks about civilian casualties have undermined its public relations campaign. Faced with the perception that Israel is willing to risk American citizens held by Hamas, the Biden administration has intensified efforts to delay a ground operation in Gaza. While criticisms of Israel from the progressive wing within the Democratic Party may not be enough to change the Biden administration's full support for Israel, they do indicate an increase in public sensitivity to the humanitarian situation, particularly regarding the need for Gazan civilians to reach safety.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict threatens to spread across the region and exacerbate great power competition. As United States military bases in Iraq and Syria come under drone attacks more and more frequently, a U.S. destroyer in the Red Sea shot down cruise missiles that the Houthi rebels in Yemen fired at Israel – harassing fire from Iran’s proxies.

For the past ten days, President Biden has appeared indifferent to the gravity of the humanitarian crisis and outrage resulting from Israel's ongoing attacks. Israel's actions in Gaza, which leave civilians with no option but death, are considered war crimes. Biden's apparent indifference to this reality doesn't contribute to a solution but rather exacerbates the problem. While claiming to support Israel and acknowledge the importance of Gaza's civilians, attributing the responsibility for the hospital attack to the "other side" is a failure in Biden's policy.

The non-Western world viewed U.S. President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel as unconditional support for that country’s heavy bombardment and blockade of the Gaza Strip. Blaming Hamas – “the other team” – for the killing of more than 500 Palestinians at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, the U.S. President neither shared any evidence nor talked about forming an international committee to investigate what happened.