SETA Istanbul Coordinator Fahrettin Altun: AK Party's manifesto reveals the creed of domestic and national politics

Erdoğan's party manifesto is a turning point for the AK Party's vision, which is adjusting to the country's needs and regional and global changes, according to SETA Istanbul General Coordinator Altun

SETA Istanbul Coordinator Fahrettin Altun AK Party's manifesto reveals the
Trump's effect on the global system continues with Iran nuclear

Trump's effect on the global system continues with Iran nuclear deal

Since becoming the U.S. president, Donald Trump never ceased to surprise international observers by his sheer speed in deconstructing all diplomatic efforts and compromises reached at multilateral platforms and ardently destroying the legacy of his predecessor Barack Obama.


Allies are quickly losing faith in Washington's erratic foreign policy decisions and confidence in its leadership is rapidly diminishing

urkey is counting down the days until the June 24 elections, which everyone seems to agree will be a turning point in the country's political history.

The U.S.' untrustworthy diplomatic moves, along with the decision to pull out of the landmark nuclear accord with Iran has led to more instability in the Middle East

President Erdoğan's Istanbul manifesto is important not only because it puts forward his strategies in the lead-up to the June 24 elections but it also sets out his political vision

Erdoğan on the road ahead of elections

We have been on the road with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who visited Uzbekistan and South Korea, since Sunday. The election campaign has had no effect on the Turkish leader's foreign trips. His ability to form the People's Alliance early on made it possible for him to make prescheduled trips.

Erdoğan on the road ahead of elections
French touch may not help stabilize the Middle East

French touch may not help stabilize the Middle East

French President Emmanuel Macron paid an official visit to Washington to meet his American counterpart Donald Trump.


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , who also holds the position of president for the OIC Summit, paid a historic visit to Uzbekistan as an indication of recently intensifying bilateral relations between the two countries.

Sometimes the biggest challenge for policy makers is not the diagnosis of the problem, but the lack of a proper strategy to fix it; nowadays one of the biggest hurdles in Washington.

With the oppositional bloc relying mostly on emotions and ideology rather than politics and visionary alliances, they have now found themselves leading toward the elections without a strategy

The main opposition party's leader is not aiming to win, as he knows that he can't be elected president; but what he does want is a majority in Parliament and a return to the old system. This goal shows the country how disengaged he really is