The United States in trouble with its alliance network

The foreign policy makers of the Trump administration are damaging the U.S.' prestige among its allies, leaving the country more isolated than ever

The United States in trouble with its alliance network
Erdoğan or Trump Who deserves to be disappointed

Erdoğan or Trump: Who deserves to be disappointed?

The strained atmosphere between Turkey and the U.S. is not likely to change until Trump stops being a bully


Two allies should 'come back to the table and find ways to repair their relationship,' says foreign policy director

There have been a lot of questions about the future of the Turkish-American partnership for the last few weeks.

By making this new proposal, Macron's goal is to prevent Russian pressure on Europe and keep Turkey in the EU's corner without granting the Turks full membership

The U.S. administration's anti-Turkey actions have led Ankara to simultaneously end its disagreements with EU countries and deepen its strategic partnership with Moscow

Wanted: New strategic partners

There was a time when you could have called Turkey's relationship with the U.S. a "strategic partnership."

Wanted New strategic partners
World politics on the eve of a major transition

World politics on the eve of a major transition

World politics is presently going through an extensive transition process, which is directly reformulating the existing balances among global powers


Whether Trump gets impeached or not, the international community will have to deal with the negative side effects of the impeachment process

For the past five years, the Western media has engaged in an endless "discussion" on Turkey.

The Trump administration's controversial and reckless moves against Ankara are about to spell the end of the traditional Turkey-U.S. partnership

The Trump administration's policy of economic selfishness doesn't just make the U.S. look like a vulgar and isolated superpower, but at the same time encourages the world's leading economies to work more closely together