AK Party embodies unceasing spirit of reform

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan unveiled his administration's new judicial reform package on Thursday.

AK Party embodies unceasing spirit of reform
The formula for strong Turkey-US relations

The formula for strong Turkey-US relations

Nowadays, it has become commonplace among foreign policy scholars to debate the future of Turkish-American relations.


Although the European Parliament elections granted more ground to euroskeptic parties, the situation is still manageable. Turkey will likely rely on bilateral ties rather than EU institutions in the future

Tensions between the United States and Iran swing like a pendulum between confrontation and negotiation.

The latest wave of ultranationalism, xenophobia and anti-Islamism in Europe has been threatening the very essence of modern values and institutions, namely the liberalism and internationalism mainly represented by the EU.

S-400s are not technical problem but political one, says expert

CHP's perception strategy to divert conservative Istanbulites

A head of next month's rerun elections in Istanbul, mayoral candidates from both electoral alliances are seeking to further an affirmative agenda.

CHP's perception strategy to divert conservative Istanbulites
Justification debates on Istanbul rerun decision

Justification debates on Istanbul rerun decision

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) on Wednesday released its justified decision to annul the March 31 mayoral election in Istanbul. Between pages 200 and 212 of the 250-page reasoning, the cancellation of the election is justified on the basis of three key factors.


The increasing doubts of the Turkish public regarding NATO are based on the organization's apathy toward the security concerns of Turkey

Moscow should turn the current situation in Idlib into an internationally recognized political deal rather than another brutal victory for the Assad regime

The most distinct feature of the upcoming June 23 re-election for the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is its function as a second round of elections.

The growing tension between the U.S. and Iran is in the spotlight in our region. Washington is approaching Iran with a policy of "maximum pressure." They have not only strengthened the sanctions but also sent an aircraft carrier to the Gulf.