Main issues addressed at Ankara summit

Despite its ups and downs, the Astana Process is the only serious option currently playing a decisive role to create a permanent solution in the Syrian crisis

Main issues addressed at Ankara summit
Who will alert Europe about the looming humanitarian crises

Who will alert Europe about the looming humanitarian crises?

For the moment, it seems that there is no way to wake the European states and their media outlets up to the naked truth that the humanitarian crisis in Syria is not over and that refugees, fearing for their lives, are still fleeing the country in droves


Kurdish mothers are cursing the PKK, the HDP and their 'Kurdistan cause' today. History won't kindly judge any politician who fails to live up to their responsibilities.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hosted Turkey's 30 metropolitan mayors in Ankara on Wednesday. Together with cabinet ministers and members of the Presidential Council for Local Government Policy, he listened to their proposals and instructed his team to take necessary steps to accomplish key goals.

To save himself from more criticism over the increasing number of 'unappointed positions' in Washington, President Trump has been rushing to find a man for the foreign and national security desk since John Bolton's ‘sudden' departure

A crumbling alliance in the Middle East

President Donald Trump's administration in Washington explicitly supported this ambitious alliance, which portrayed itself as the new powerhouse to reshape the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Muhammed bin Zayed (MBZ), were the leading figures and sponsors of this project.

A crumbling alliance in the Middle East
Deeds not words matter in Istanbul

Deeds, not words, matter in Istanbul

The CHP's electoral alliance with the Good Party (İP) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) scored victories in Istanbul and Ankara, breathing new life into Turkey's political opposition. Opposition figures are not yet over the anger that built up over many losing election cycles, but they have become cocky in light of recent wins.


The Syrian crisis is not something that can be handled solely through Turkish efforts; the region's biggest problem needs to be confronted by both external and internal stakeholders

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey, in its latest issue: “Turkey in a Changing World: Responses to Domestic and Regional Dynamics” elevates Turkey’s attitudes and policies towards the latest developments in Turkey and the World.

Experts stress probability of Turkish military intervention in east of Euphrates as expectations from US not fulfilled yet

Experts discuss consequences of possible unilateral intervention by Turkey east of Euphrates River