A New Issue of Insight Turkey entitled as “The Ordeal of the Century” Has Been Released!

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey, in its first issue for 2020, aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the current situation of the Israeli-Palestinian question and whether there will be a deal to this problem or not. Therefore, this issue entitled as “The Ordeal of the Century,” with the contribution of leading experts in this area, highlights different subjects regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue while focusing on different perspectives and dimensions of the problem.

A New Issue of Insight Turkey entitled as The Ordeal
G-20 leaders fail to provide hope for coronavirus response financial

G-20 leaders fail to provide hope for coronavirus response, financial crisis

The G-20 videoconference offers few concrete steps – despite saying big words like 'whatever it takes' to combat virus


Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, there has been a major debate among the scholars and observers of international politics about the potential impact of this pandemic on the international system. The debate focuses on the outbreak and precautions that nations took to stop the spread of it.

As people across Turkey comply with the government’s call to stay home and declare their individual state of emergency, COVID-19 remains at the top of the nation’s agenda. Just as hygiene becomes an obsession, we cannot seem to stop talking about the virus outbreak.

The coronavirus pandemic marks the beginning of an extended period of recession. Communities around the world will have to learn to live with a crisis comparable only to the two world wars.

The coronavirus crisis has caused a global lockdown, as extraordinary precautions have been taken by many countries across the world to prevent its spread. Since then many observers have started highlighting the similarities of the current situation with the plot of movies on epidemics. In the last several weeks, some of these movies, such as "Outbreak" and "Contagion" have become popular again.

Transparency against disinformation in fight against COVID-19

The novel coronavirus outbreak that began in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan has turned into a global threat. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined the threat as a pandemic and called on every nation to take necessary precautions. Though the pandemic has lost the momentum it had during initially in China, it keeps spreading across the globe. New cases and deaths are reported every day, especially in the U.S. and Europe. The situation spiraled out of control in Italy and Iran, while in Turkey, the first cases began to emerge. Turkey’s Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced at a news conference on the night of March 17 that the number of cases was 98 and that one person had died.

Transparency against disinformation in fight against COVID-19
It s time to come together for coronavirus diplomacy

It’s time to come together for coronavirus diplomacy

Turkey’s Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has become the embodiment of the country’s fight against the coronavirus. He urged everyone last week to “declare their own state of emergency” – possibly suggesting that the Turkish government was not prepared to impose an official curfew yet.


The coronavirus is turning a new page for both world politics and the economy, but, it seems we are not yet prepared to face the challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic is, first and foremost, a health risk. But we also rate various countries’ response to the crisis – like a stock market. In doing so, the main criterion is who was adequately prepared and whose response proved sufficient.

As China declares victory over the coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) says Europe has become the pandemic’s epicenter. With Italy’s death toll on the rise, Western leaders have responded to the crisis in different ways. It is possible to argue that ideology, together with their respective health care systems’ total capacity and leadership styles, played some role there.