Yet another March crisis in Turkey-US relations

The U.S.'s choice of partner in a possible Syrian operation, whether the armed YPG group or its NATO ally, will determine the future of Turkey-U.S. relations

Yet another March crisis in Turkey-US relations
Trump's Struggle with Washington's Elites

Trump's Struggle with Washington's Elites

While Trump has to deal with the senior figures of the U.S. establishment, who voice their dislike of him at every opportunity, he also needs to develop policies to consolidate his own base


The Raqqa operation, which is expected to be the next step in the fight against Daesh terrorists in Syria, can achieve success only with the support of legitimate local actors

With the liberation of al-Bab from Daesh terrorists, Turkey has proven once again that Operation Euphrates Shield is the most successful weapon on the ground against the deadly terrorist group in Syria

Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, is trying to develop a new kind of relationship with the Trump administration – which still looks unpredictable

Having lost its prestige in Syria with the repeated failed policies of the Obama administration, the U.S. is now about to lose all presence in the Middle East unless Trump immediately becomes involved in the Syrian equation

Turkey-U.S. Ties in First Month of Trump Administration

The first and most significant task of the Trump administration to revive the damaged Turkey-U.S. relations is to take steps to overcome the trust and confidence problems in bilateral relations

Turkey-U S Ties in First Month of Trump Administration
The State of Savagery ISIS in Syria

The State of Savagery: ISIS in Syria

This book discusses ISIS within the context of violent non-state actors (VNSA); analyzes historical, ideological and operational roots and features of the group in Syria; and positions ISIS within the matrix of the conflicting parties in Syria.


The resignation of Flynn was an apparent example of the establishment's dissatisfaction with Trump's Russian policies. Yet, U.S.-Russian relations, which have a huge impact on global politics, must not be a topic in U.S. daily politics

Turkey wanted to strengthen bilateral relations and increase trade volumes with Gulf nations against the backdrop of global chaos

Turkey's decision to extend its existing offensive in Syria is quite audacious, but it has no choice other than to assume its active role in the Syrian civil war, which is the root cause of many problems in the Middle East

In the Middle East, the Trump administration wants to defeat Daesh in the short run and then focus on containing Tehran's regional hegemony