Balkanization of the Middle East Shall Be Resisted

In terms of safeguarding regional stability, the key issue is protecting the territorial integrity of even the most fragile states in the Middle East through collaborative efforts

Balkanization of the Middle East Shall Be Resisted
UN In Need of Structural Reforms

UN In Need of Structural Reforms

In the absence of a U.N.-led effort to remedy these humanitarian problems, skepticism of the effectiveness of this organization will increase.


The groups against Turkey seek to benefit from the PKK by discarding Masoud Barzani's team and Iran-sponsored groups in northern Iraq.

This analysis outlines the main drivers of the relationship between Turkey and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

If Turkey-U.S. relations are intended to head for a fresh start rather than a collapse, Washington must revise its Middle East policies, especially the leftovers from the Obama administration on Syria, Iraq and Iran

KRG leader Barzani might find it difficult to keep his seat whether the referendum takes place on Sept. 25 or not

The United Nations Incapable of Facing Global Problems

Once established with the aim of becoming a beacon of peace and stability around the world, the U.N. organization is now failing to even take care of its own problems

The United Nations Incapable of Facing Global Problems
The Significance of Recent Negotiations for the Gulf Crisis

The Significance of Recent Negotiations for the Gulf Crisis

No doubt, the Gulf Crisis has already shaken delicate balances and left the Gulf vulnerable to various provocations from outside as well


Needless to say, Greece stands to lose more than other EU countries if membership talks with Ankara come to an end. And we are not just talking about illegal immigration and terror threats either.

The crisis in North Korea has already influenced every country in the region, changing the equations and balances among the governments

What kind of a partnership must be built with Turkey? How will the new EU be? These are the actual questions that require further consideration.

European politicians hope that Mr. Erdoğan will grow tired of the anti-Turkey smear campaign in Europe and walk out of the membership negotiations.