Orta Doğu siyasetinin kadim aktörlerinden İran, bölgedeki etkisini artırıyor mu? İran, nükleer çalışmalarını hangi gerekçelerle temellendiriyor? ABD’nin nükleer tehdit algısı ne kadar gerçek? Diplomatik müzakereler nükleer krizi çözebilir mi? Türkiye bu süreçte nasıl bir rol oynuyor ve oynamalı? İran, dünya siyasetindeki yeni yapılanmaların neresinde yer alacak? “İran Nükleer Programı ve Orta Doğu Siyaseti” son yılların en gerilimli süreçlerinden olan İran-ABD nükleer krizini farklı ve derinlikli bir perspektifle ele alıyor. Nükleer krizin siyasi, iktisadi, psikolojik ve ideolojik arka planını masaya yatırıyor ve okuyucuya kapsamlı bir analitik çerçeve sunuyor.
MoreThe decision by the Turkish Constitutional Court to reject the closure case against the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) opens a new chapter in the history of Turkish democracy.
MoreTurkey has been involved, historically and demographically, with many of the regions of “frozen conflict” in post-Soviet space. At this point, one might consider the position of Turkey as being at the epicenter of Euro-Atlantic and Russian extremes concerning the frozen conflicts. Georgia, since 1991, has been considered a valuable “strategic partner” by Turkey for several reasons. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan’s Caucasus Pact idea is a good opportunity to create an inclusive (Russia+Turkey+Georgia+Armenia+Azerbaijan) new foreign policy approach at this stage. This approach should be merged with the representation of all the frozen or unfrozen conflict areas, peoples, ethnic groups and regions included under the roof of such an alliance.
Consider this wild scenario: After years of demonizing each other, the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran put their differences behind them. They agree to be strategic partners and sign a document to seal it.
There is much talk about political Islam and its future these days. The ascendancy of political movements with clear Islamic agendas is being watched closely from Egypt and Lebanon to North Africa.
The excitement Turkey generates in the Arab world and beyond (the Balkans, Europe and parts of Africa can easily be added to the list) seems to be sustained by the confluence of substantial changes in three areas: Turkey, the region and the world.
MoreGerman philosopher Jurgen Habermas is among the few prominent Western thinkers who still believe in the promise of the Enlightenment.
MoreCurrently, GAP is a regional development project that covers nine southeastern provinces extending over the wide plains in the basins of the lower Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Political and economical instability in Turkey in the 1980s diverted attention from the GAP Project and led to consecutive failures in meeting official targets for its progress within the initial time framework. Within the last five years,
Hours before the Turkey-Germany match in Basel, here is my wildest UEFA finals cup scenario: Turkey beats Germany and Russia beats Spain. Turks and Russians, the two nations the Europeans have historically feared the most, play the final.
All attention in the region is on Iran again. The new incentive package proposed by the European Union does not seem to have persuaded Tehran.
The decision by the Turkish Constitutional Court on June 5 to annul the amendments of Articles 10 and 42 was a turning point in the country's legal and political history.