Despite the challenging period ahead, the CHP must continue its campaign for a peaceful resolution to the issue as well as for democratic reforms.
MoreIt is necessary to get rid of national security concerns based on false assumptions of past years in order to ensure social peace and regional effectiveness.
MoreAs the dominance of the anti-democratic actors over the democratic system decreased, the special authorities of the specially authorized courts would pose a problem for the democratic system.
Pre-new constitution period is an appropriate time to discuss the disadvantages of the current political system and to pursue the quest for a new political system.
Reforming Turkey’s education system symbolizes not only an end to weak civilian institutions but also represents an opportunity to bridge the gap between secularists and conservatives in the country.
UN wants to see the al-Assad regime, which killed most of the 8,000+ people killed during demonstrations, to allow people to protest freely.
When the AK Party came to power in 2002, the people were finally able to say stop to the gang that took the state hostage during the 1990s.
MoreIn the last decade, the Turkish Republic has experienced the most difficult breaking points in its history since its establishment.
MoreThe worry is not about the possibility of a war breaking out; it is about the hope of building a new regional order in the near future fading away.
Turkey’s foreign policy and the Arab Spring turned out to be as important in determining the political agenda for 2011 as the June 12 elections. Turkey’s role in the spreading political movements from North Africa to the Middle East surpassed its previous involvement in the area.
The Kurdish political movement and PKK maintain discourses and activities similar to the ones they exhibited in old Turkey.
Egypt has to confront military tutelage, economic crisis, regional order and international dynamics all while learning the particulars of democratic political competition.