Insight Turkey Publishes Its Latest Issue “Resurge of Anti-İslam Activity Worldwide”
This issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide the verity to its readers through an extensive and rich framing that includes four commentaries and six research articles covering anti-Islam practices worldwide.
At a time when anti-Islam activities are resurging and the Muslim voices are kept down, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide the verity to its readers through an extensive and rich framing that includes four commentaries and six research articles covering anti-Islam practices worldwide.
James Carr provides a comprehensive analysis on how contemporary neoliberal civilizing missions penalize Muslims that refuse to participate while Marcelo Macedo proposes the application of a democratic ‘Alterity’ to overcome the existing harmful vision towards Muslims. Furthermore, Chris Allen analyzes the existence of anti-Islam activities in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, Müşerref Yardım and Ali Hüseyinoğlu analyze anti-veil and anti-burqa laws in France from a feminist perspective.
Farid Hafez explains how the introduction of the notion of ‘political Islam’ came to the criminalization of vocal and/or organized Muslims. Meanwhile, Domenico Altomonte argues that anti-Muslim hatred in Italy allows its citizens to conceive a shared negative view that impedes the enforcement of the right to religious freedom.
As anti-Islam is not only limited to Europe, CJ Werleman's commentary asserts, the rising violence against Muslims in India has brought Muslims to the brink of genocide in India and Kashmir. Moreover, Kristin VandenBelt’s article compares the experience of Muslims in Europe and Latin America. Ali Murat Yel’s research article brings attention to Turkish media representation of Islam while Sahar Khamis’ commentary focuses on social media and how to ensure the success and continuation of efforts to counter Islamophobia.
The off-topic manuscripts have a special emphasis on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, the tenth anniversary of the Arab Uprising, migration, and state-sponsored terrorism. Burhanettin Duran, Elmar Mustafayev, İbrahim İrdem, Yavor Raychev, and Burak Kürkçü have enriched our issue with their valuable contributions.
We hope that this issue contributes to increase awareness about anti-Islam activities in today’s world.

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