World War III knocking on the door

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has been insistently warning the whole world that the Israeli atrocities in Palestine, especially the Israeli attacks against senior Hamas officials in Lebanon and Iranian targets in Syria, may spread the ongoing war in the Palestinian territories to the entire Middle East. Fidan pointed out that the attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea by the Iranian proxy Houthi militants show the scale of the tension in the region. He warned the related regional states and global powers that if they did not deter Israel, the war could spread to the region. And the regional war will end in a way that every regional state will lose.

World War III knocking on the door
One step away from World War III

One step away from World War III

Speaking for the first time after Sunday's presidential election, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to a question about the possibility of a violent conflict between Russia and the West by describing the current situation as above. Stressing that "everything is possible in the modern world," he argued that, "It will be one step away from a full-scale third world war, but hardly anyone is interested in this." Putin had warned before the election that his country was "technically ready for nuclear war."


In the event of major crises, world wars – horrible tragedies that devastated mankind – inevitably come to mind.