The age of Johnny English in the real world

Spies in Western movies are always overconfident, representing Western power. However, in the case of Johnny English, a man of errors who is always saved by his friends, it is the opposite and more closely resembles the Western world as we know it

The age of Johnny English in the real world
Western bloc crumbles as US-EU rift emerges

Western bloc crumbles as US-EU rift emerges

The ongoing rift between the U.S. and the EU countries in NATO hints at the slow collapse of the Western alliance


As the regional actors were taking position according to their solution plan to the Syrian crisis, the U.S. attacked the regime's air base and messed up all the balances

Needless to say, Trump was proven wrong. nor is there any reason to believe that his predictions will turn out to be true any time soon

Defining Erdoğan's political vision, which has found a wide response in Turkey, as "ethnic or Islamic nationalism," is a big mistake. Erdoğan's political vision could be described as "civic nationalism" at best.

Turkey is the country to have most directly experienced the effects of the Syrian civil war, which allows terrorist organizations such as the PKK and ISIS to further expand their terrorist attacks within the country

Turkey and the Middle East: Ideology or Geo-Politics?

Writing forty years ago in the "Journal of Contemporary History" Andrew Mango, the prominent British historian of modern Turkey, noted Turkey's potential new role in the Middle East as a "middle-power." He observed that "Turkey is socially and technologically the most advanced country of the Muslim Middle East.


From History to Realpolitik in Armenian-Turkish Relations

BBC covered the story as a "landmark visit to Armenia." CNN called it "football diplomacy." French President Nicolas Sarkozy applauded the visit as "courageous and historic."


Speaking to Milliyet columnist Fikret Bila, Prime Minister Erdoğan stated that Turkey is being forced to take sides in the Georgian conflict.

"A momentous day." This is how Russian President Dmitry Medvedev described the decision by the Russian parliament to recognize the independence claims of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

The recent Russia-Georgia conflict was long in the making. The reason was not the problems between Moscow and Tbilisi, but the new round of a cold war between Russia and the Western bloc.

Criticisms and debates on Turkish foreign policy are embroiled in domestic polemics while regional and global variables are ignored.