Middle powers should join the global intifada

Although the hegemonic circles such as most Western countries and the leading global financial and economic institutions have been supporting Israel and its ongoing genocide against the innocent Palestinians both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the majority of the world public opinion takes the side of humanity, protesting against the Western-supported Israeli genocide.

Middle powers should join the global intifada
Experts Respond Political Crisis in Pakistan The Reasons behind the

Experts Respond: Political Crisis in Pakistan | The Reasons behind the Turmoil and Its Implications

The political situation in Pakistan is still not stable, and a new government is expected to be formed soon. However, at this point, it is important to understand the reasons that led to this turmoil and what the removal of Khan from office means for Pakistan. Within this framework, several experts from Turkey and Pakistan have briefly analyzed the events and their implications, not only for Pakistan but for the region and the world as well.


On the eve of the meeting between Erdoğan and MBZ, questions about possible issues that may be discussed and the meeting’s impact on bilateral and regional affairs have been discussed in media debates. Given that, experts in the field have contemplated these questions and have provided their opinions regarding the meeting.

Turkish and American politicians, media and the public had been waiting for the meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and U.S. President Joe Biden on June 14, on the sidelines of the NATO Leaders Summit in Brussels.

Washington's gradual disengagement strategy from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has taken a new shape as news continues to arrive from Vienna on the renewed talks related to Iran's nuclear file.

The Biden administration's initial foreign policy statements and announcements demonstrate that China is the most significant priority of the United States.

The 'Pivot to Asia' in Joe Biden style

For almost two decades now, there have been debates about a conflict between China and the U.S. People from different fields, including hawkish foreign policy experts, realist international relations scholars and some journalists, have written about this “eventuality.”

The 'Pivot to Asia' in Joe Biden style
How can his new Cabinet help President-elect Biden

How can his new Cabinet help President-elect Biden?

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden is forming his Cabinet, and there has been a flurry of analysis about the names he nominated for key positions. The candidates, their backgrounds and previous experiences demonstrate that Biden is planning to follow a different form of presidency in the next four years.


Last week, U.S. President-elect Joe Biden announced some of the most senior names of his national security and foreign policy team. The only surprise was the appointment of former Secretary of State John Kerry as a special envoy for climate change with a Cabinet-level position. The other names were mostly expected by Washington pundits.

Following the election of Donald Trump in November 2016, U.S. economist Mark Perry in his book "The Pentagon’s Wars: The Military’s Undeclared War Against American Presidents" wrote that there was overwhelming support for the new leader among members of the military.

On Friday, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, along with former energy chief and current Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, announced that Turkey had discovered some 320 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas – the largest deposit found in the country's history.

The Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque's reopening, an embodiment of Turkey’s free will, could not have been possible without Erdoğan’s leadership and the Turkish people’s confidence in him. Hagia Sophia’s "resurrection" has become a symbol of Turkey’s efforts to become a prominent player in the international arena. A missing piece of our national identity has thus been put back in place. No politician would ever dare to reverse this decision as long as Turkey remains a democracy.

The US has announced that its operation against Daesh is over and that it will withdraw from Syria, after Turkey revealed its plans for an operation in the country.

The war of words between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, entered a new stage, as Iran's president, commonly known as a moderate reformist, moved closer to hardliners such as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and General Qasem Suleimani.

If everything goes well during the negotiations, not only will the politics and security of the Korean peninsula change, but also the whole geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region

President Trump has come up with a new kind of diplomacy, of sharing tweets on social media to either shape U.S. foreign policy or fire his top officials whenever he finds it necessary

U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons on civilians in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, and threatened to use military power in response to this deplorable act.

U.S. President Donald Trump's response to the recent chemical attack in Syria would keep the U.S. presence in the region while also deepening the crisis

With Pompeo taking charge as the new secretary of state, U.S. foreign policy is likely to be more hawkish, which could generate more chaos around the world

The surprising announcement of a possible meeting between Trump and Kim raises more questions than gives answers

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan insists on U.S. troops withdrawing from Manbij, saying that promises President Barack Obama made to Ankara must be kept. His most recent threat to seek international legal action against Washington's support for the People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in northern Syria shows that Turkey's patience is running out.