Sudanese crisis: A new front of 'preventive proxy war'

Considering the devastating effects of new-generation weapons, global powers cannot launch direct wars against each other. Therefore, they prefer to engage in indirect battles, as the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, did during the Cold War. Their proxies fight each other; they control the tide of the war from behind closed doors by procuring military equipment and by providing economic and financial assistance to wage war.

Sudanese crisis A new front of 'preventive proxy war'
Kurdish Voices from Afrin Unheard in Western Media

Kurdish Voices from Afrin Unheard in Western Media

"The western media portray all Kurds supporting the PYD. But Kurds are diverse. There are different parties, independent politicians, leftists, religious conservatives, etc."


After six weeks of fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia, a cease-fire agreement was signed between the two conflicting sides. Azerbaijan won a huge victory on Tuesday that ended the 30-year-long occupation of Armenia and liberated Azerbaijan's territory. The peace deal, which was declared by Russian President Vladimir Putin, has historic importance and amounts to the capitulation of Armenia.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump has contributed positively to bilateral relations. Their commitment to working together and continue negotiations was one of the meeting's concrete outcomes.

The overdue EU attempt to find a solution to the Syrian civil war and its resulting crises, aided by Ankara, is an opportunity for European values to end the ambiguity of its stance

The international community must agree to take in more Syrian refugees and provide additional funds to help neighboring nations cope with the crisis

Uighur Refugees, China's Power and What To Do About It?

The primary source of the Uighur refugee problem is the situation in China and without some significant steps in line with the demands of society, this problem will continue to grow in the coming years.

Uighur Refugees China's Power and What To Do About It
Q amp amp A Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and

Q&A: Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and War

In the shadow of on-going discussions about the integration and legal status of Syrians living in Turkey, Yavuz Güçtürk, a researcher at SETA’s Law and Human Rights Department, made an assessment on the current position of Syrian refugees who have preferred forced displacement over war.


The international community is silently watching the refugee crisis around the world despite its urgent ‘major humanitarian catastrophe' warning.