Why did the world's wealthiest man go to Israel?

Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest businessperson, faced a new campaign against him when he liked an antisemitic post on his platform, X (Twitter). Media Matters, an organization that published a report on the prevalence of antisemitic content on the platform, triggered major American companies advertising on X to withdraw their ads. Musk, experiencing significant commercial losses, attempted to demonstrate his non-antisemitic stance by visiting Israel. However, associating this with proving one's non-antisemitic stance is problematic, considering the history of antisemitism predates Israel's history, and leaders like Prime Minister Netanyahu have a long history of trying to equate criticism of Israel's policies with antisemitism.

Why did the world's wealthiest man go to Israel
The debate over social media and freedom of speech in

The debate over social media and freedom of speech in US politics

The preliminary injunction issued by a federal judge in the lawsuit brought by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri against the Biden administration has sparked a new debate on freedom of speech. The attorneys general claim that the White House is colluding with social media platform executives to suppress conservative voices, alleging a violation of the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression. The plaintiffs, who argue that the judge's injunction is a preliminary victory in the case, anticipate that the final decision and appeals will likely reach the Supreme Court. This process signals a further escalation of the social media and freedom of speech debate in the coming period.


In some social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, several hashtags (helpturkey, globalcall) claiming that the Turkish government cannot cope with the wildfires or deal with other issues were used to show the Turkish state as desperate and incompetent.

President Trump has come up with a new kind of diplomacy, of sharing tweets on social media to either shape U.S. foreign policy or fire his top officials whenever he finds it necessary

International humanitarian agencies should make concrete contributions to the Ankara's efforts to stop the suffering of the Rohingya people

Ismail Caglar pointed out to the media ethics when deciding to feed readers with images about sensitive issues.