Four codes of the Turkish opposition's manifesto

The joint statement of the 'table for six' suggests that an extremely aggressive campaign is in the making

Four codes of the Turkish opposition's manifesto
Istanbul poll results to stimulate change in AK Party politics

Istanbul poll results to stimulate change in AK Party politics

The Istanbul elections always have a significance beyond Istanbul. With its social diversity, economic dynamism and population of 16 million, Istanbul's political atmosphere affects all of Turkey.


The Western media's interest in Turkey has steadily increased, and this has two dimensions. First, they are establishing new media outlets in Turkey and becoming entrenched in the domestic market. Lately, the launch of a joint Turkish-language YouTube channel called +90 by the public international broadcasters of Germany, France, Britain and the U.S. has drawn attention. Another interesting development was the launch of a Turkish news website by the British online newspaper, The Independent.

Both Istanbul mayoral candidates devised new campaign strategies and reoriented their election discourses to attract new voters in the critical elections rerun

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) on Wednesday released its justified decision to annul the March 31 mayoral election in Istanbul. Between pages 200 and 212 of the 250-page reasoning, the cancellation of the election is justified on the basis of three key factors.

On March 31, Turkey held local elections in a transparent manner that reflect its democratic maturity. The results showed that voters gave different messages to both the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP).

The idea of a 'Turkey Alliance'

Turkey experienced a polarizing election period during the March 31 municipal elections. Controversies related to the polls and the consequences of the elections are not yet settled.

The idea of a 'Turkey Alliance'
Recount process protects the people's voice

Recount process protects the people's voice

Turkey's Supreme Election Council (YSK) has been reviewing objections to the unofficial vote count in Istanbul. The election watchdog found errors in the vote count as well as certain irregularities.


urkey is counting down the days until the June 24 elections, which everyone seems to agree will be a turning point in the country's political history.

The "yes" result in the referendum disappointed campaigners for "no" in the West more than the "no" front in Turkey. They clearly took up a position politically and failed.