Crises in Turkish opposition bloc: A fistful of bullets, amnesty

As Türkiye’s political parties put the final touches on their parliamentary candidate lists, presidential contenders are expected to focus on campaign events after the holidays. At the same time, political debates, rhetorical battles and shows have been getting more intense.

Crises in Turkish opposition bloc A fistful of bullets amnesty
Ince and HDP Factors to consider in first round of

Ince and HDP: Factors to consider in first round of Turkish elections

With nearly 50 days left until the Turkish elections, the People’s Alliance and the Nation Alliance are doing everything possible to win the Presidency in the first round.


The level of ambiguity seems to increase as that debate continues, mainly because the Turkish opposition bloc, known as the 'table for six,' is in a challenging and contradictory pursuit

GP Chair Davutoğlu and DEVA Chair Babacan, the 'engineers' of the 'table for six' who face harsh criticism, work very hard to ensure the success of a political initiative that would lead to main opposition CHP’s domination

Erdoğan does not view Davutoğlu or Babacan as 'politicians' to drive party politics, while the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA) and the Future Party (GP) cannot promote a new brand of politics or create a new discursive framework

With his misleading and miscalculated political discourses, the main opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu is crossing the line that places the future of all of Turkey at risk

CHP's Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu crosses the line

It remains unclear who grants legitimacy to whom around the 'table for six.' The fact that the three conservative fringe parties stand with the CHP discourages undecided conservatives from voting for them. To be on the same side with the CHP, in turn, offers minor benefits to them from other voter blocs. Furthermore, judging by the reaction of CHP supporters, anyone around the 'table for six' must accept the 'joint candidacy' of the main opposition’s candidate of choice. The fact that Kılıçdaroğlu will be that candidate, too, is about to be confirmed.

CHP's Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu crosses the line
Ideological fight on refugees and their return

Ideological fight on refugees and their return

'The opposition has a democratic right to criticize the Turkish government’s refugee policy. That right, however, should be exercised without poisoning the country’s democratic culture'


It has become increasingly clear what the opposition’s 'table for six' will look like as the 2023 election approaches. In recent weeks, the Felicity Party (SP) had proposed an 'alliance within the alliance' and the Republican People’s Party (CHP) has presented eight different scenarios.

The future of Syrian asylum-seekers in Turkey, which the opposition feels is a serious concern, should be determined according to the principles of harmony and peace