The results of June 24, 2018 elections

This report looks at the electoral process and campaigns during the two month period and compares the June 2018 election results with varying results over the past 16 years.

The results of June 24 2018 elections
Apparent reasons behind Erdoğan's victory in the elections

Apparent reasons behind Erdoğan's victory in the elections

The Turkish people chose Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the first president of the new presidential system in their country on June 24, making him win his 13th race for elections since 2002.


Turkey's opposition remains unable to overcome the emotional trauma of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's first-round victory in the June 24 presidential election.

In the post-elections era, Ankara is set to follow a multi-dimensional independent foreign policy, facing both regional and global challenges by pursuing rational steps and strategies

Concentrating on the results of the June 24 elections in Turkey, I temporarily turned a blind eye to Western media's coverage of this historic vote.

The June 24 elections were positioned as a critical juncture in Turkish political life in many aspects.

New era of democratic governance and development

Turkey's democratic credentials received another great boost this week with the successful completion of the historic general and presidential elections under universal free and fair procedural standards.

New era of democratic governance and development
New road map for Turkish foreign policy

New road map for Turkish foreign policy

All eyes in the Middle East are now on Turkey, which after the presidential elections is on the brink of a major transformation process in its approach to foreign policy


The June 24 presidential and parliamentary elections have been finalized. The results were not at all surprising for those who closely follow Turkish politics.

Political players that draw the right lessons from the June 24 elections will successfully adapt to changing circumstances

The majority of Western media didn't only overtly support opposition groups against Erdoğan, but also mobilized all their resources to overthrow the AK Party government on Sunday

May the election results serve our country and people well. Moving forward, our top priority will be to stay afloat, seize opportunities and keep growing in an increasingly unpredictable global environment and increasingly tense region.

Western governments have no choice but to reassess their priorities and work with Turkey under the leadership of President Erdoğan

The June 24 parliamentary and presidential elections are one of the most critical elections in the political history of the Turkish Republic.

For the first time since 1969, deputies from eight political parties entered Parliament with Sunday's election under the new election law, which signals a more representative era for Turkish politics

Turkey went through another successful election. In addition to a peaceful campaign season with vibrant political promotions by the candidates, Turkish voters went to the polls to vote for their favorite candidates on election day.

The elections on June 24 – the first since the constitutional amendment referendum last year – will be an important turning point in the history of Turkish democracy.

Too busy trying to make Erdoğan fail, the Western media are running in contradiction with Turkey's sociology

As one of the most controversial debate topics in the elections period, the Kurdish vote has become a hot topic of conversation once again. While the major preferences of Kurdish voters had been between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in the previous elections, it is expected that the competition will come true again between these parties. Nonetheless, it is important to evaluate the main motivations behind the voting preferences of Kurdish people.

Turkey is heading to the polls on Sunday to vote for its president and parliament members. Almost 55 million voters are expected to participate in the elections. The political parties had formed alliances months ago before the election campaigns kicked off.

European states have established an anti-Erdoğan and anti-AK Party international coalition in the run up to the June 24 elections