Türkiye's growing engagement with China

The recent visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan to China marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Turkish foreign policy within the shifting strategic landscape of Eurasia. As Türkiye aims to balance its strategic partnerships and expand its influence, this visit underscores crucial discussions and potential impacts on foreign policy.

Türkiye's growing engagement with China
Insight Turkey Publishes Its Latest Issue The Struggle over Central

Insight Turkey Publishes Its Latest Issue “The Struggle over Central Asia: Chinese-Russian Rivalry and Turkey’s Comeback”

The latest issue of Insight Turkey, 'The Struggle over Central Asia: Chinese-Russian Rivalry and Turkey’s Comeback,' focuses on different topics including the latest developments in Central Asia, which has high potential but came under the spotlight only in recent years and also the highly important general and presidential June 24, 2018 elections in Turkey.


Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey and the region, in its first issue for 2018 brings to its readers valuable articles that focus mainly on China’s foreign policy. “Persistent Rise of China: Global Challenges and Regional Dynamics” assesses China’s growing influence in international and regional politics and experts in this field provide different perspectives regarding China’s global challenges and the regional dynamics.