The rise of central bank digital currency

The world is changing, just as once visualized by the Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien. Financial systems, payment systems, and transfers are all going digital. Cash usage is in decline all over the world. As an additional (but totally new generation) payment choice, central bank digital currency (CBDC) is the future of money and payment systems.

The rise of central bank digital currency
How will Türkiye mitigate nominal volatilities

How will Türkiye mitigate nominal volatilities?

The most common question on most minds nowadays would probably be the concern regarding how Türkiye is planning to bring inflation down and prop up the Turkish lira. Furthermore, why won’t policymakers raise interest rates like the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) or the European Central Bank (ECB)?


Just to recapitulate an essential point: Although the entire economic outlook is not dire, nominal variables are challenging in Türkiye. Nevertheless, unemployment, growth rate, industrial production, export and fiscal budget balances are usually positive.

The goal, of course, is to come up with some policy suggestions, provide a fresh perspective and sift out a road map for the post-election period. After all, Türkiye is, indeed, treading a fine line between liberal and interventionist policies. Yet, it has not yet been able to fully benefit from political stability and the transformation into a presidential system.

Minimum wage debates have even turned into a rather ideological debate all over the world

2021 was not filled with many positive stories about Turkish-European Union relations. At the end of 2020, in a report published The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), we assessed the conclusion of cautious optimism for 2021. While the side of caution prevails, the optimism has been delayed for yet another year.

New economic model and future of politics

Turkey takes precautions against excessive prices and stockpiling, rising inflation remains a global problem.

New economic model and future of politics
Turkish opposition and 2023 elections discourse

Turkish opposition and 2023 elections discourse

Turkey’s main opposition leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, continues to demand an early election.


On the eve of the meeting between Erdoğan and MBZ, questions about possible issues that may be discussed and the meeting’s impact on bilateral and regional affairs have been discussed in media debates. Given that, experts in the field have contemplated these questions and have provided their opinions regarding the meeting.

What is the current natural gas situation in Turkey? What does the future hold for Turkey’s energy market? How will Turkey’s economy and foreign policy be affected?

The year 2018 was extremely tough for both Turkish finance and the economy and prompted a number of still-ongoing ups and downs in many sectors; however, the publishing industry was not one of them..

The strained atmosphere between Turkey and the U.S. is not likely to change until Trump stops being a bully

Syrian regime forces are preparing to launch a major military operation against opposition-led groups in the Idlib province of northern Syria.

Credibility of US government with a president as 'erratic' as Trump is greatly diminished, says expert

Nowadays, all eyes are fixed on the relations between Turkey and the United States. Against the backdrop of tensions, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) celebrated its 17th birthday at an event hosted by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) on Tuesday.

Turkey has been under an economic attack since last week when the United Stated imposed sanctions on two Turkish ministers following the arrest of evangelical pastor Andrew Brunson.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Tuesday that Turkey will impose a boycott against U.S. electronic products amid an ongoing and deepening rift between the two NATO allies over a number of issues.

Turkish-American relations have been in a situation of permanent crises for the last five years..

Turkey is heading toward one of the most critical general elections next Sunday that will kick-start the practical implementation of the presidential government system.

Major challenges require unconventional responses, and Turkey is preparing to produce an unconventional and comprehensive systemic response to the major and multifaceted challenges it faces in various areas