State and future of alliances as Turkish election looms

If the seven-party coalition actually attempts to govern, they will transform government agencies into fiefdoms loyal to different political parties and ideologies. Each political party will attempt to inject its own supporters into the bureaucracy, fueling fragmentation and even rivalries. It is virtually impossible to guess how many meetings they would have to hold to coordinate their actions.

State and future of alliances as Turkish election looms
Ince and HDP Factors to consider in first round of

Ince and HDP: Factors to consider in first round of Turkish elections

With nearly 50 days left until the Turkish elections, the People’s Alliance and the Nation Alliance are doing everything possible to win the Presidency in the first round.


'The opposition has a democratic right to criticize the Turkish government’s refugee policy. That right, however, should be exercised without poisoning the country’s democratic culture'

It has become increasingly clear what the opposition’s 'table for six' will look like as the 2023 election approaches. In recent weeks, the Felicity Party (SP) had proposed an 'alliance within the alliance' and the Republican People’s Party (CHP) has presented eight different scenarios.

The future of Syrian asylum-seekers in Turkey, which the opposition feels is a serious concern, should be determined according to the principles of harmony and peace

The Turkish government's new diplomatic initiative with its regional and global partners is based on logic, while the opposition still has no idea why it rejects the process

The dilemmas in Turkish opposition bloc's roundtable

The oligarchical plan proposed by the 6 +1 opposition parties can never be embraced by the Turkish electorate

The dilemmas in Turkish opposition bloc's roundtable
Selflessness' debate in Turkey's opposition bloc

'Selflessness' debate in Turkey's opposition bloc

The main opposition leader keeps making mistake after mistake, miscalculation after miscalculation


The conservative opposition party is on the brink of a major political choice. Either way, it will impact both the party and the upcoming 2023 elections as well