Türkiye’s Call for International Assistance and the International Community’s Response

Natural disasters, wars, and economic collapse tend to seriously undermine social order and make it impossible to address even people’s most basic needs. During such periods, it becomes difficult for communities to feed themselves, find shelter, receive medical attention, relocate, and communicate with others. Individuals and communities have provided emergency assistance to such individuals, without expecting anything in return, to address basic needs like food, shelter, and medical treatment throughout history.

Türkiye s Call for International Assistance and the International Community
The meaning of Erdoğan's last three moves

The meaning of Erdoğan's last three moves

With his latest moves, Erdoğan is not starting a crisis but instead highlighting a framework for justice and a lasting alliance in Turkey’s relations with NATO, the U.S. and Greece


Considering Turkey’s geostrategic location and its military and political power, Western countries need to calculate the cost of alienating Ankara

Ankara's only condition is that Sweden, Finland and NATO members do not participate in campaigns that threaten Turkey's security, such as supporting PKK/YPG terrorists