When Strategy Collapses: The PKK’s Urban Terrorist Campaign

This book is the result of a research project organized by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı, SETA) born out of the need to understand the context-specific dynamics of the violent radicalization of the PKK and its urban strategy between 2015 and 2016. The aim is to explore the causes, new dynamics, and effects of PKK terrorism, and to explain the failure of its urban warfare tactics in Turkey.

When Strategy Collapses The PKK s Urban Terrorist Campaign
Japanese Foreign Policy in the New Era

Japanese Foreign Policy in the New Era

Globetrotting may make Japan more visible up to a certain point. More important is discussing and debating the potential options in foreign policy.


The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army needs to liberate al-Bab and reinforce the safe zone with moderates who left eastern Aleppo under the Turkey-Russia deal

Iran looks like the winner of the current regional game, however in the long run, it cannot sustain its policies, the cost of which will continue to rise, politically, militarily and economically

A new balance of power is emerging between Russia and the U.S. as well as among regional powers including Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

There is a lively debate centered on whether Turkey is undergoing an axis shift, meaning Turkey is drifting away from the Transatlantic system and heading towards the Middle East in the most acclaimed dailies and journals of the Western world.